Passenger Didi was asked to increase the fare on the way to the taxi, and called the police twice before arriving at the destination







  The driver asked for a fare increase halfway through?

  The passenger and driver both admitted to the incident

  The passenger called the police twice

  The passenger and driver both admitted to the incident


  Slowing down on purpose?

  The driver refused to admit that I couldn’t slow down to a few dozen yards on the highway.

  Threatening passengers?

  The driver explained: "Don’t catch the plane if it’s too big." It means that after the police intervene, it will delay time and affect the plane, not a threat.

  Drive the car in the other direction?

  The driver explained: Thinking that the police would deal with it after calling the police, he planned to park the car in the parking lot without any other ideas

  Double the fare if you don’t stop the trip after arrival?

  The driver does not admit it: he just reported to the Didi platform that there was a problem with the billing, and then the platform changed the fare.

  Ms Hu, of Guanghan, Deyang, is still afraid of a Didi taxi ride a few days ago. On the 27th, she said, she and her mother took a Didi ride from Guanghan to Shuangliu International Airport, but on the way, they were met with a Didi driver who asked for an extra fare. "I didn’t agree to increase the money, and the driver had a bad attitude and told me’don’t catch the plane if it’s too big ‘. After I called the police for the first time, the driver drove in the other direction." Worried that the driver was messing around, Ms Hu said, she pulled the handbrake to force the car to stop and called the police a second time before the Didi driver took her to the airport. But after getting out of the car, the driver did not stop the trip, which caused the fare to double.

  In this regard, Didi driver Master Lin admitted that he had asked for a fare increase on the way, but denied threatening passengers to "don’t catch the plane" and not terminating the trip after arriving at the destination. In response to Ms. Hu’s complaint, the customer service of Didi Chuxing platform said that it will terminate the cooperative relationship with the driver involved and is currently negotiating with passengers to deal with the matter.

  Passenger complaints

  The driver asked for a fare increase on the way, but drove in the other direction after disagreeing

  The driver did not stop the journey after reaching the destination, causing the fare to double

  On the afternoon of the 26th, Ms Hu booked an online taxi from Guanghan to Shuangliu International Airport through Didi Chuxing. On the morning of the 27th, she will fly to Urumqi. After the appointment was successful, Ms. Hu said, Master Lin, who received the order, called and asked her to pay cash. The fare and toll totaled 180 yuan. "Online car-hailing has always been paid online, so I refused the driver’s request [to pay cash], but agreed to pay the toll."

  On the morning of the 27th, after receiving a call from Master Lin, Ms. Hu and her mother got on the bus at the agreed location and set off. According to the call records, Ms. Hu said, she and her mother got on the bus between 7:20 and 7:30 and set off from Guanghan. "After getting on the bus, the driver asked me to give cash, and on the road, he made many reasons for me to pay cash, but I didn’t agree."

  When driving to the Chengdu Ring Expressway, Ms. Hu’s mobile phone showed that the fare was more than 80 yuan. "At that time, he asked me how much it was displayed on my mobile phone, and then he said that there was a problem with the software billing, so he couldn’t run at a loss, and asked me to increase the fare by 100 yuan." Ms. Hu said that she did not agree to the driver’s request, and then the driver began to slow down. "I could run about 100 yards at the beginning of the journey, and only 60 yards after the deceleration. But there were more cars, so I didn’t say anything. But then the driver was slower, and I saw that the dashboard showed that it was only 40 yards."

  Ms. Hu said she objected to her driver, who ignored her concerns about missing her flight and the unsafety of traveling so slowly on the highway. "It took about 10 minutes to drive at 60 and 40 yards an hour, and I can’t remember the exact time."

  "As soon as the car was off the highway, the driver parked the car on the side of the road and asked me to increase the price by 100 yuan again." Ms. Hu said that after arguing with Master Lin, the other party still asked her to increase the price. There was no one around at the time, so she had to choose to call the police. At 8:25, she made the first call to the police. "After I hung up, the driver had a bad attitude and said to me, ‘Don’t catch the plane if it’s too big,’ and he wouldn’t pay for the plane ticket."

  After calling the police for the first time, the driver restarted the vehicle and set off. "But the driver didn’t drive in the direction of the airport, but went to another road." At that time, Ms. Hu said, she couldn’t open the door and window of the car, and she, who was not familiar with Master Lin, was worried that the other party would mess around. After the car drove a few dozen meters, she sat in the back row with her mother and pulled the handbrake of the vehicle to force the car to stop.

  In desperation, at 8:28, she chose to call the police again. After that, the driver agreed to take her to the airport. "When we arrived at the airport, the police called and I said it had arrived safely." After arriving, Ms. Hu said, she also paid Master Lin 32 yuan in cash for the toll.

  But Ms Hu said she thought it was over, but then she found out that the driver did not stop the trip when he reached the end, which caused the fare to double. "I got off at 8:31, and the screenshot showed that the fare was 103.6 yuan. But after I changed my boarding pass, I found that the vehicle in the software was still running and did not end the trip. The driver did not end the trip until the fare reached 207.7 yuan." To this end, Ms Hu said, she reported to the Didi Chuxing platform that Master Lin asked for a fare increase halfway through and did not end the trip after arriving at the station.

  The driver responded

  It was indeed requested to increase the fare due to abnormal billing, but it did not threaten passengers

  The trip will be terminated after arriving at the station, but the billing problem will be reported to the platform.

  On the afternoon of the 29th, a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily contacted Master Lin, a ride-hailing driver on Didi Network, according to the phone number provided by Ms. Hu.

  Mr. Lin confirmed that he did ask Ms Hu to pay cash after receiving the order, and also asked Ms Hu to increase the price halfway through. "After deducting more than 20% of the platform fee, the fuel fee was not enough, so I asked her to give cash." Mr. Lin said that he did ask Ms Hu to increase the price halfway through because he found an abnormality in the billing of the Didi Chuxing platform. "It is almost 70 kilometers from Guanghan to the airport. How can you run out of 100 yuan? Normally, it costs more than 170 yuan. So I asked her to increase the price by 100 yuan, which includes more than 30 yuan in tolls.

  "She did call the police twice, but I didn’t threaten her," Mr. Lin said. He told Ms. Hu "don’t catch the plane if it’s too big," meaning that the police intervention will delay time and affect Ms. Hu’s flight. Before the second call, he drove in the other direction, just in the direction of the parking lot on the left. "I thought that the police would definitely come to deal with it after calling the police, so I planned to park the car in the parking lot, and I had no other ideas."

  Mr. Lin denied Ms. Hu’s claim that the highway was traveling at 40 kilometers per hour. "It’s all people who drive. It’s not safe to drive so slowly on the highway. It’s impossible for me to slow down to dozens of yards."

  Mr. Lin also confirmed that when he arrived at his destination, the platform showed that the fare was 103.6 yuan. He said that after Ms. Hu got off the bus, he clicked to terminate the trip, not the trip that Ms. Hu said was not terminated after arriving at the station. "There was a problem with the metering on the Didi platform. I called to report on the return journey, and then the platform changed the fare." Mr. Lin said.

  Didi statement

  Due to the driver’s request for a fare increase, the partnership will be terminated

  The problem reported by passengers is being negotiated and needs to be verified by technicians.

  Ms Hu said that through this incident, she expressed doubts about the review and control of Didi Chuxing’s platform. For this reason, she has asked the platform for a public apology from Didi and Master Lin.

  "After I complained, Didi [Chuxing] said it had terminated the cooperation with Master Lin. It also offered to give me a free ticket and give me a voucher." Ms Hu said she did not agree to the solution proposed by Didi, which she wanted to apologise publicly.

  On the afternoon of the 29th, a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily contacted Didi Chuxing’s service platform by phone. The platform’s customer service staff said that the company would terminate the cooperative relationship with the driver involved because the driver violated the platform regulations and required passengers to increase the price. For passengers, the company is negotiating to deal with the matter.

  After the customer service staff inquired, the platform records showed that the fare for Ms. Hu to take the express train was 174.7 yuan. Regarding the fare reported by Ms. Hu, which was only 103.6 yuan, and the driver’s trip was not terminated, resulting in the doubling of the fare, the customer service staff said that this required further verification by technicians.

  In response to Hu’s request for a public apology from Didi, the customer service staff said they could only forward the request to the company’s specific handling staff. The Chengdu Business Daily reporter proposed to contact the staff of Didi’s company to handle the matter, but the customer service staff said that they did not have a phone number, but they could forward the reporter’s interview request to the relevant staff, and the relevant staff would reply within four hours. However, as of the time of press time, no relevant reply has been received.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporters, Yao Yongzhong, Wang Mingping