Wang Jiajia plays a spy for Fan Bingbing’s new film "Fight Injustice" with a shaved head

        Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Liu, Text/Xie Yawei) In September 2009, He Ping’s 6-year-old work "Wheat Field" was released. In this mixed film, the heroine Fan Bingbing undoubtedly became the focus of the whole film. Perhaps no one noticed that there was a maid Yaner who had been following her around next to the mayor’s wife. In [Movie Network]’s recently concluded "Search for the next movie coordinate – the hottest newcomer show in 2009" prize voting activity, a girl named Wang Jiajia ranked second among the 13 candidate artists, she is the role of Yaner, the little-known graduate student of the directing department of Beiying Film, who surprised everyone and became the hottest newcomer in the movie industry in 2009 with high popularity. On March 2, Wang Jiajia accepted an exclusive interview with [Movie Network] after recording the "Light and Shadow Star Podcast" program.

Good student who doesn’t like to talk: I finished talking for a week

        Perhaps it was because she was still studying at school that Wang Jiajia was full of student spirit. The girl in front of her was tall and slender, with white and delicate skin, gray knitted sweater, blue jeans, and a pair of ordinary espadrilles. She came to the recording scene refreshingly. Maybe she is the least star-like artist that "Light and Shadow Star Podcast" has welcomed. Wang Jiajia doesn’t like to talk, and even if she talks to you, she will whisper softly. Such a quiet girl has to record large sections of oral speech, no wonder she will say, "I finished talking for a week today."

        Wang Jiajia graduated from the ballet department of the Beijing Dance Academy and is now a graduate student in the directing department of the Beijing Film Academy. The host industry is naturally unfamiliar to her. At the beginning of the recording, Wang Jiajia was a little nervous and acted very stiff, and the director kept calling her to stop and ask her to do it again. In front of the camera, Wang Jiajia is like a primary school student, listening carefully to the director’s guidance, not speaking, but nodding. At this time, she does not seem to belong to this impulsive entertainment industry, but is just an ordinary girl next door. Wang Jiajia is very smart. After a little guidance from the director, the recording became more and more natural and smooth. However, because she wore contact lenses to read the subtitles for a long time, Wang Jiajia’s vision was blurred later, and the recording was very hard. When the director offered to let her take a break, she insisted on continuing filming, fearing that it would delay everyone’s time.

Jay Chou did data for Kunling and went online to give "Skyfire" a point of "want to see"

1905 movie network news In the early morning of November 13, Jay Chou updated his personal social account and released a screenshot of himself "wanting to see" the movie on the ticketing platform and said domineering: "Everyone should know that brother wants first place in everything." He called on everyone to do data for Kunling’s new film.

After Zhou Dong’s "task" was issued, fans immediately followed Zhou Dong’s pace and joined the team to do data for Kunling’s new film. Everyone said "I ate this wave of dog food" "Data will be made immediately"! #Jay Chou does data for Kunling #This topic rushed to the fourth place in Weibo’s trending topic list in a short period of time, causing a sensation on the whole network.

It is reported that this is not the first time Jay Chou has promoted Quinling’s new film "Skyfire". As early as the first concert of Jay Chou’s Carnival World Tour, he played the trailer of "Skyfire" on a loop before the opening, and even announced the news of the film’s release on December 12 during the concert.

Every game since thenBefore the start of the Carnival World Tour, the trailer of "Skyfire" would appear on the stage and big screen. Jay Chou used his actions to confirm his title of "Favorite Wife Maniac", but his repeated efforts to promote "Skyfire" were not just "Favorite Wife" operations.

It is well known that Jay Chou himself once served as a film director. His directorial masterpieces are quite classic and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although he has not directed any new films in recent years, he has also been closely monitoring the development of Chinese-language films.

"Sky Fire" is the first volcano-themed visual effects adventure on the Chinese screen. The film tells a wonderful story full of ignition and tears: a sudden volcanic eruption makes the beautiful resort of Sky Fire Island instantly enter "escape mode". Faced with this sudden life-and-death crisis, geologist Li Wentao (Wang Xueqi), his daughter Li Xiaomeng (Kunling) and others launched a time-critical and dangerous self-rescue and his rescue…

Due to the high difficulty and investment in filming and production, volcano-themed visual effects blockbusters have never been seen on the domestic big screen, and even Hollywood rarely touches them. As a pathfinder for Chinese film heavy industry genres, "Skyfire" was prepared for incubation for five years, and it took two years to shoot and post productin. The team behind the scenes crafted it with ingenuity.

From the previous exposure of a number of trailers, it can be found that the special effects scene of the volcanic eruption in "Sky Fire" is extremely shocking, with fireballs and magma exploding in shock, and volcanic ash floating in the air creating a strong sense of atmosphere. It is reported that hundreds of kilograms of explosives and more than 20 tons of volcanic ash purchased from all over the world were used during the filming of the film. The visual effects of the whole film account for more than 80%, and the special effects strive to be realistic and immersive, so that the audience can feel hearty! Presumably such an attentive Chinese movie must be the main reason why Jay Chou worked hard to promote it.

"Skyfire" is produced by Dong Wenjie, the Chinese film "behind the gold medal", and directed by internationally renowned director Simon West. There are also veteran actors Wang Xueqi, treasure girl Kunling, powerful young student Dou Xiao, British national treasure actor Jason Isaacs, and emerging actors Bai’an, Ma Xinmo, Ji Lingchen and others.

Shanxi good scenery | Autonavi map Shanxi one-click smart tour platform is officially launched!

With the overall improvement of epidemic prevention and control in China, tourism demand has been gradually released. In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and provincial government to stabilize the economy and promote consumption, expand the brand promotion of Shanxi cultural tourism, promote the rapid recovery of the cultural tourism market, and effectively stimulate cultural and tourism consumption, the Shanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism cooperated with Autonavi Map Digital Navigation to officially launch the "Shanxi One-Click Smart Tour" platform on July 6, dedicated to comprehensively improving the digital marketing capabilities of Shanxi cultural tourism in the field of travel and promoting the high-quality development of Shanxi cultural tourism.

This time, "Beauty is around, Jin is in front of you" Autonavi map Shanxi one-click smart travel platform online release activity, combined with the 4th Rural Cultural Tourism Festival in Loufan County, aimed at the current travel needs of tourists, aiming at the most popular self-driving travel camping experience and RV camps and other emerging tourism formats, taking "Smart Cultural Tourism + Rural Revitalization" as a breakthrough point, through the "offline launch ceremony + online marketing promotion" method, making a call for Shanxi Cultural Tourism, realizing the transformation of Shanxi Cultural Tourism brand volume to market traffic, and driving the effective growth of Shanxi Cultural Tourism consumption.

"Shanxi Good Scenery" One-Click Smart Tour Platform, as the first provincial official portal product platform of Autonavi Map, will fully present humanized smart tourism services, and use the quick search function to accelerate the realization of "pre-trip travel reference, on-the-way navigation explanation, and post-trip comment interaction". The online and offline seamless connection and full coverage journey services are convenient for people to grasp the travel information related to destinations and scenic spots and attractions in a timely and accurate manner before and during the trip, and directly place an order to make an appointment or buy their favorite cultural and tourism products.

Tell the story of Shanxi well and spread Shanxi culture. Use new technologies, new means and new kinetic energy to empower cultural tourism, take the "one-click smart tour" platform as an opportunity, and use the Autonavi digital navigation map platform to speak for Shanxi cultural tourism, actively build "ancient Chinese civilization · Shanxi good scenery" into a top domestic cultural tourism brand, and accelerate the construction of Shanxi into an internationally renowned cultural tourism destination.

Source of information: Exchange and Cooperation Section of the Bureau

In June, film events continued, and film channel hosts gathered to show their elegance.

In the coming June, the holding of major film festivals such as the SCO National Film Festival, the Shanghai International Film Festival, and the media attention unit of the film channel has brought a gluttonous feast to the film industry in China with no less attention than the World Cup. As a national film media, the film channel has also organized and participated in many large-scale activities. And behind this high-standard, high-quality film prosperity, your hosts have contributed.

Lan Yu participated in the SCO National Film Festival.

In the past six months, the film channel hosts have grown rapidly and actively participated in the front line of film programs and festivals. In June this year, they successively completed the hosting tasks of many important activities, including the opening and closing ceremonies of the SCO National Film Festival, the opening ceremony of the Shanghai International Film Festival, the media attention unit of the film channel, and the film channel night. Jiang Xiaohan, Lan Yu, Guo Wei and other film channel hosts, with excellent professional ability and quality, have shown the elegance of China filmmakers and journalists in various programs and large-scale film activities.

Lan Yu Guo Wei presided over three major film festivals.

Show the style of China film host

Moderator Lan Yu

Lan Yu, the host of "Post-90s", as the head of the movie channel in Hua Dan, has grown rapidly in recent years. At the same time, she has the platform of China Film Report and various large-scale activities to communicate with China filmmakers, and she is the exclusive information and live witness of China movies. Guo Wei is the anchor of China Film Report and other columns on the film channel. With his rich hosting experience and lively and generous hosting style, he has been unanimously recognized by the industry and the audience.

Guo Wei at Shanghai Film Festival

In the opening and closing ceremonies of the SCO National Film Festival and the opening ceremony of the Shanghai International Film Festival, the ceremony host Lan Yu and the red carpet host Guo Wei showed the excellent professional quality and dignified atmosphere of the host China to filmmakers and audiences at home and abroad on the international stage. Among them, Lan Yu served as the host of the closing ceremony and award ceremony of the SCO National Film Festival. Through full preparation under the stage, when facing many strange foreign guests on the stage, she introduced them fluently and accurately, and communicated appropriately, acting generously and calmly, eliminating the barriers caused by cultural differences.

Lan Yu and Guo Wei are at the movie channel night.

In addition, at the Shanghai International Film Festival, Guo Wei and Lan Yu were the red carpet and ceremony hosts of the Jin Jue Festival respectively. In the red carpet session, Guo Wei fluently introduced the shortlisted films and creative information, and flexibly responded to various emergencies on the red carpet scene. During the ceremony, Lan Yu also showed her film quality and professional standards in the communication with many domestic and foreign filmmakers, including Jiang Wen. The excellent performance of the two film channel hosts showed the professionalism and affinity of the film channel and China filmmakers to filmmakers and audiences at home and abroad.

The host of the movie channel devoted himself to "the battle against poverty"

Be a journalist with social responsibility

On the night of the 2018 movie channel held during the Shanghai International Film Festival, the movie channel hosts Lan Yu, Guo Wei, Chen Min, Miao Yao, Xie Yingling, Shi Di and the new young hosts Roman, Li Dan, Cai Qiaoyun and Li Jinze who just graduated from the Communication University of China all made their appearances, and they all made their debut with "Fighting Poverty — — "Starlight Action" Yang Mi, a star volunteer and actor, swore together that they were determined to devote themselves to large-scale public welfare projects to help poor counties, which reflected their social responsibility and responsibility as journalists and media people.

Lan Yu at Shanghai International Film Festival

It is reported that on June 23, the host of the film channel will also appear at the closing ceremony of the media attention unit of the film channel, and on June 24, Lan Yu and Guo Wei will also be the hosts of the closing ceremony and award ceremony of the Shanghai International Film Festival, once again on the international stage.

In the future, film channels will continue to attach importance to the training of presenters, constantly absorb excellent fresh blood, and cultivate more excellent journalists for the film industry in China. No matter in regular TV programs or large-scale movie activities, the hosts of movie channels will become a powerful guarantee for the program level with their excellent professional quality, and show the elegant demeanour of China hosts to audiences at home and abroad.

A lecture to share the "dry goods" of elderly fitness

Sit on the lecture table for a while, and stand on the stool for a while … Recently, a rare scene appeared in a scientific fitness lecture for the elderly held in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province.

In the lecture, Li Wuqiang, president of Sanmenxia Wuqiang Chinese Medicine Hospital, gave on-the-spot teaching from the protection of knees, cervical vertebrae, shoulders and other parts of the elderly in sports to the selection of physical fitness programs for the elderly. In order to make everyone understand clearly, see clearly and practice easily, Li Wuqiang demonstrated while explaining. Under the principle of "different from time to time, different from person to person and different from illness", he adhered to the safety line of "scientific method, step by step", so that everyone could learn and practice together, master the essentials of action, and let the lecture really learn.

Zhao Yibang, Deputy Director and Secretary-General of Sanmenxia Old People’s Sports Working Committee, said: "In order to ensure the scientific and practical nature of this scientific fitness lecture for the elderly, the Municipal Old People’s Sports Association chose to hire experts who have made great achievements in the research of old people’s physical fitness. Many elderly people at the scene said,’ I hope to share such a high-level lecture with more elderly people’. Therefore, we will sort out the recorded lecture videos and live broadcast materials and send them to as many elderly sports and fitness groups as possible in the city, so that more elderly friends can share the’ dry goods’ of scientific fitness for the elderly. "

In recent years, Sanmenxia Old People’s Sports Association creatively implemented the "five-action mechanism" of Henan Old People’s Sports Association, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the majority of the elderly to take the initiative to exercise, and the tide of "I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy" for the elderly has become a common practice. Holding a health lecture with the theme of "scientific fitness", strengthening the propaganda, education and popularization of scientific fitness knowledge among the elderly people, eliminating the influence of "fitness misunderstanding" in cyberspace, and preventing sports discomfort, sports injury and even sports injury caused by non-scientific sports such as inappropriate sports and excessive intensity sports will greatly protect the fitness enthusiasm of elderly friends and the healthy development of sports fitness for the elderly. (From March 20th, China Sports Daily, 06 edition)

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Exclusive analysis | Ba Ping Hot Search! Review of National Day Movie Market in 2021

Special feature of 1905 film network The National Day holiday has passed, and the film National Day file also ends with the holiday. This year’s National Day movies are crowded and lively, and their popularity continues to this day, and the box office performance is very excellent. Up to now, the box office in October has exceeded 5.4 billion.

In addition to the box office results, during the holiday, there were nearly 200 topics related to the National Day file, and netizens actively participated in the discussion of the National Day file. Among them, there are more than 100 hot searches, and the content of the film, the main creation and the real history have become the focus of everyone’s attention. This program invited Zhang Jinfeng, deputy editor-in-chief of China Film News, to review this year’s National Day movies through Weibo Hot Search.

During the National Day period, various Weibo hot searches related to movies were born, which made the audience see the fiery scene of China film market again, representing that the film returned to the audience’s field of vision. What makes this grand occasion come true is the charm of the National Day movie itself. Zhang Jinfeng said: "Looking back at this year’s National Day file, although I also guessed some hot searches, I feel that I didn’t guess it myself, but the strength of the film itself led the audience into the cinema. Taking two films as the core, a number of hot searches have emerged, which are actually the charm of the films themselves. It has attracted the love and recognition of the audience, and at the same time it has caused them to think a lot. "

Source: Movie Changjin Lake Weibo

In the previous program, Zhang Jinfeng predicted the hot search that the National Day file might be born, and many of them were successfully guessed. However, there was a hot search that surprised and excited him. The hot search topic was "What is the inverse decline of the box office", which mainly described the special phenomenon that the box office in The Battle at Lake Changjin rose instead of falling after the premiere.

According to the usual market rules, The Battle at Lake Changjin, which was released on September 30th, will get the highest single-day box office on October 1st, the first rest day after the release, but in fact, The Battle at Lake Changjin "fell" for six consecutive days, that is, it continued to rise, which is unprecedented before.

Source: Time Weekly Weibo

As for why the "reverse decline" is emphasized, Zhang Jinfeng explained: "With the golden schedule, the daily box office decline is a normal market law. For example, an ordinary film is shown on Friday, because Friday is a working day, so it is generally welcomed on Saturday, which has the highest box office on a single day. Sunday is less than Saturday. However, if a film is getting higher and higher every day, and it is a large-scale head film, if the leader is getting higher and higher every day, it is undoubtedly beyond the market rules in the market. The Battle at Lake Changjin’s popularity is entirely based on its own strength to create a miracle that violates the laws of the market. You can’t see the significance of’ going up’, but if you go down, you can feel the strong market penetration and wide audience influence of this film. "

In addition to the hot discussion about The Battle at Lake Changjin’s box office results, the performance of the film’s main creation has also been frequently searched. Including the performances in the film and others. Zhang Jinfeng affirmed their performances: "Jackson Yee well showed the growth process of ordinary soldiers from immaturity to becoming qualified or even excellent volunteer soldiers. I think he went to a higher level through this film. Hu Jun made the image of tripterygium wilfordii unforgettable, especially at the moment of final sacrifice. In addition, this sven role is also very well shaped. "

In addition, a hot search in The Battle at Lake Changjin touched many people deeply, saying that "girls go home to taste frozen potatoes after watching Changjin Lake". The background of this hot search is a girl in Yunnan. After watching the story of The Battle at Lake Changjin volunteers eating frozen potatoes, in order to experience the hardships of the volunteers, she found frozen potatoes to try. After eating one bite, she realized that the happy life is hard-won, and it is the struggle of the volunteers.

These hot searches reflect The Battle at Lake Changjin’s social influence, and it has achieved "breaking the circle", allowing more viewers to pay attention to more real details of the history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Some hot searches, such as "the soldiers in the battle of Changjin Lake were frostbitten and amputated but no one cried", aroused the audience’s inner reverence for the volunteers.

In addition to The Battle at Lake Changjin, there are other films that have also entered the hot search, including those that are relatively stable, and their hot search focuses on four directors. Zhang Jinfeng thinks: "The Battle at Lake Changjin is so powerful that it obscures some light of Me and My Father. Me and My Father is a very balanced film with very high overall quality."

Other National Day films, such as youth films starring newcomers and some parent-child movies, have relatively few opportunities to get on the hot search. There was a hot search about word-of-mouth in "Five Boys Drowning in the Water", but unfortunately it didn’t ferment.

Zhang Jinfeng is optimistic about this: "I believe that there will be a long tail effect behind the climax of the National Day market, and films will receive their own ideal box office. I think that China movies or National Day files are not only satisfied with hot search, but China filmmakers can find the attention and concerns of the audience through various hot searches and constantly calibrate their creative direction. "

Weibo Hot Search reflects the prosperity of China film market from one aspect. Hot search is not only a platform for the audience to discuss, but also a window for China filmmakers to observe the audience’s preferences. Through hot search, filmmakers adjust their creative mentality, and constantly introduce more masterpieces to keep China films at the forefront of hot search forever.

Today’s film reviewDirector observation

Before, I was worried that the National Day Preview program was exaggerated, but I didn’t expect that The Battle at Lake Changjin’s excellent performance completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, and it really brought the film back to the focus of everyone’s discussion after dinner. Four years have passed since "Wolf Warriors II" occupied the top spot in the domestic movie box office, and I hope it can really change hands this time. I also hope that the remaining two months of this year can make better achievements through the momentum of the National Day file. Go! (Ma Hongyu, director of Today’s Film Review.)

About skiing, these reminders must be seen.

You need to know this about skiing.

Everyone has no clear concept of skiing. As a competitive sport, skiing is risky. Skiing requires professional skills, as well as knowledge and the importance of related equipment. Many people misunderstand that skiers’ own contempt for safety is a major cause of accidents.

1. Skiing at intermediate level is an extreme sport.

Snow trails are divided into primary greenway, intermediate blue road, advanced underworld and expert double underworld. According to different slopes, the suitable people are different.

Skiing is also graded, and most people are suitable for primary skiing. In the early stage, coaches are needed to take the introduction. Above intermediate level, it can be regarded as extreme sports.

2. You are falling at a high speed, like a "cannonball"

Many people think that the snow is soft and it doesn’t matter if you fall, but on the snowy road, people who slide at high speed under the acceleration of gravity are tantamount to "huge shells" and are likely to rush out of the snowy road, which is very dangerous.

3. Wear safety equipment.

There have been skiers who died on the spot after falling without wearing a helmet, so safety equipment can help you reduce the chance of injury as much as possible. Especially for beginners, they should use safety equipment: brightly colored ski clothes, ski pole, ski goggles, sports wrist pads, sports knee pads, sports hip pads and ski helmets.

4. Do what you can, and don’t underestimate your own safety.

In order to seek excitement or satisfy vanity, some beginners go skiing on the intermediate snowy road. Please learn to ski in the right steps, know your ability correctly, and don’t try too hard easily.

Beginners often sit in the middle of the snow trail and chat during breaks. It is very dangerous to stay in the middle of the snow trail. If you want to rest, you should stay on both sides of the snow trail and observe the route and speed of the skiers above.

5. Abide by the international snowy road principle.

Skiers should follow the international principle of snow trail, that is, the "traffic rules", slide on the snow trail as far away from other skiers as possible, keep a relative distance, and leave an adjustment distance for themselves and others.

You should pay attention to these when taking children skiing.

Skiing not only exercises children’s physical fitness, but also feels the charm of nature. At the same time, it can also enhance the feelings between parents and children. It is really a good thing to win at one stroke. However, it is dangerous to take children skiing. How to prevent the danger? Please pay attention to these things when taking children skiing:

1, the age should be up to standard

When parents take their children skiing, the first thing to consider is the age of the children. The children are over 5 years old, and they are in good health and not sick when skiing, so that the children can have a full understanding of skiing. Only when these conditions are met can we take our children skiing.

2. Choose a ski resort suitable for traveling with children.

When you take a child skiing for the first time, you must choose a suitable ski resort. Ski resorts with children’s skiing events and children’s activity areas are definitely the first choice. These children’s projects and activity areas can not only ensure the safety of children, but also make them enjoy themselves.

3. Armed to the teeth

Choose suitable equipment for children, colorful ski clothes, waterproof gloves, and wear special helmets, wrist pads and knee pads for skiing.

Helmet, for safety, helmet is a must!

In snow goggles, even on cloudy days, the reflection of sunlight in the snow is stronger than we thought. Snow goggles is not only resistant to strong sunlight, but also can protect against wind and snow. Snow goggles is essential to protect children’s eyes.

4. Exercise properly

In sports, we should pay attention to what we can do and do it according to the children’s situation. You can take your child for a walk in the snow first to adapt to the environment. Don’t choose a site with too big a slope.

5, accompanied by parents

Don’t let children ski alone, especially in the mountains. Let the children slide on the obvious and spacious snowy road, pay attention to other skiers and don’t let the children leave your sight.

6. Slow down and make everything controllable.

Please slow down all the steps, from choosing ski equipment to going skiing in the ski resort and taking children skiing, so as to make everything controllable for safety.

7. Bring an extra helper

In the process of skiing, it is always inevitable that there will be falls, poor care or unexpected situations. If you can, take one more family member or friend to travel, so as not to be in a hurry.

8. Please grasp the time.

Skiing will consume a lot of physical strength. Children go skiing mainly to feel happy, play some snow games, relax, and also relieve tension and pay attention to grasping the time.

Skiing is an interesting and dangerous sport, and safety comes first. Be sure to do what you can, learn the necessary safety knowledge, and choose the corresponding level of ski trails according to your own technical level. Beginners must ski under the escort of regular coaches, and skilled skiers should also pay attention to relevant safety protection. In the event of accidental injury during skiing, you must call the rescue number of the ski resort in time to seek medical assistance.

Original title: "About skiing, these reminders must be seen"

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Fun Mac game AI War 2 Artificial Intelligence War 2 for mac (Science Fiction Simulation Strategy Game) v5.522 activation-free version

Are there any interesting strategy games on mac? Recommended games for mac-Artificial Intelligence War 2 is a sci-fi simulation strategy game produced and distributed by Arcen Games, LLC. Players need to strive to conquer the entire galaxy and occupy as many territories as possible, so that they can establish and consolidate their bases. Come to AI War 2 and conquer the galaxy!

Fun Mac game AI War 2 Artificial Intelligence War 2 for mac (Science Fiction Simulation Strategy Game) id=NzUxNzYwJl8mMjcuMTg2LjE0LjY4

AI war2 download game features

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-Redesign the UI interface

-More than 1,700 dubbed dialogues

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-The multiplayer function is temporarily turned off, and production is in progress.

-Support multi-threading and adapt to modern computer configuration.