Xi’an launches 60 methanol taxis, and four experts "update" old drivers

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi'an was unveiled as a whole. On the same day, the first batch of 60 methanol new energy taxis in Xi'an were put into operation. This is another city in our country where methanol vehicles were put into operation after Jinzhong, Baoji, Lanzhou, Shanghai and Guiyang. Image source: Visual China

  On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi’an was unveiled as a whole. On the same day, the first batch of 60 methanol new energy taxis in Xi’an were put into operation. This is another city in our country where methanol vehicles were put into operation after Jinzhong, Baoji, Lanzhou, Shanghai and Guiyang. Image source: Visual China

  CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazhu) On December 20, the first batch of methanol taxis in Xi’an was officially put into operation. Although only 60 vehicles were put into operation, this new fuel vehicle still attracted the attention of the outside world. How much less can methanol fuel emit compared with gasoline? Can it satisfy the veteran taxi drivers in terms of power and economy?

  Since 2012, methanol vehicle pilot work has been carried out in 10 cities in our country, including 4 in Shaanxi. As the leader of the Shaanxi Province Methanol Vehicle Pilot Operation Expert Group, Professor Liu Shengquan of Chang’an University presided over the pilot in Shaanxi. On December 24, Liu Shengquan was interviewed by CCTV reporters on related issues.

  Cleaner PM2.5 emissions by about half

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi'an was unveiled as a whole. Image source: Visual China

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi’an was unveiled as a whole. Image source: Visual China

  Instead of methanol gasoline being added to methanol cars, Xi’an City promoted a clean fuel called methanol M100, with a methanol content of 99.9%. Traditional gasoline was made up of more than 100 different hydrocarbon substances mixed together, and the pollutants produced after combustion were carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, etc., which were the main sources of PM2.5.

  "Methanol M100 also has conventional emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides after combustion, but its emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are reduced by 45% -60% compared to the same amount of gasoline, and nitrogen oxides are reduced by 20% -25%." Liu Shengquan said that because gasoline is a mixture, there are 6-12 carbons in the molecular structure, while methanol M100 has only 1 carbon in the molecular structure, so methanol M100 is much cleaner than traditional gasoline.

  More economical, spend half the money per 100 kilometers

A gas station in Xi'an that can fill methanol M100. At present, there are 7 gas stations in Xi'an that can fill methanol fuel. This number will increase to 45 in the next year. (Wang Jiachu/Photo)

  A gas station in Xi’an that can fill methanol M100. At present, there are 7 gas stations in Xi’an that can fill methanol fuel. This number will increase to 45 in the next year. (Wang Jiachu/Photo)

  On December 23rd, the reporter saw at a gas station in the West Third Ring Road in Xi’an that can be filled with methanol M100. The price of M100 per liter is 1.9 yuan, compared with the current price of gasoline No. 95 in Xi’an, which is 6.63 yuan per liter. Natural gas is 3.2 yuan.

  According to Liu Shengquan, according to the previous pilot situation, a taxi in Xi’an can burn about 10 liters of gasoline for 100 kilometers, 10 cubic meters of natural gas, and 16 liters of methanol M100. "It seems that methanol M100 is more resistant to burning, but in terms of price, it costs 66 yuan to add gasoline, while methanol M100 only costs 32 yuan, which can save at least half the money."

  In addition, according to the relevant support policies issued by Shaanxi Province, for the purchase of methanol, ethanol, hydrogen fuel and other vehicles produced in the province, Shaanxi will also subsidize 10,000 yuan per heavy truck and 5,000 yuan per passenger car, and methanol automobile enterprises will be taxed at a 15% rate.

  More power, 3% -5% higher than gasoline cars.

  After the 60 methanol vehicles were put into the market, doubts about the power and toxicity of methanol M100 appeared on the Internet. In an interview with CCTV reporters, Professor Liu Shengquan gave a detailed introduction to this.

  "In fact, the power of the methanol M100 car is 3-5% higher than that of gasoline, which is why taxi drivers say that the car is lighter and even has a sense of push after driving, while the power of the natural gas car is 20% lower than that of the gasoline car," Liu Shengquan said.

  Regarding toxicity, Liu Shengquan explained that methanol is indeed toxic, but in our country’s classification of liquid toxicity, methanol and gasoline are both moderately toxic. "People’s concerns are reasonable, because methanol has a fragrant smell and gasoline is pungent, so methanol is more likely to be misused than gasoline, but as long as it is not misused, it will not be poisoned."

  In addition, Liu Shengquan said that methanol has the same safety level as gasoline in terms of transportation, storage, and filling, and its ignition point and volatility are not as good as gasoline, making it safer in actual use.

  It’s more convenient, but there are no restrictions on the bus lane.

  This time, only 60 methanol taxis were deployed in Xi’an, accounting for a very small proportion of the tens of thousands of taxis. The reporter failed to reach it for three consecutive days. But after two years, this proportion will be greatly strengthened. According to the support policy issued by Shaanxi Province in July, by the end of 2019, 20,000 methanol taxis will be deployed in the province, of which 10,000 will be in Xi’an.

  Xi’an City also encourages units and institutions to prioritize the procurement of methanol vehicles. On the basis of the 15 stations that have been built and 7 stations in operation, 45 M100 methanol filling stations will be built by 2019. Methanol vehicles are not only not subject to relevant restrictions, but are also allowed to drive in bus lanes and park in public parking lots (spots) for free within 2 hours.

  "Compared to natural gas, methanol M100 is a liquid and does not require a pipeline, so the filling station will be established soon, and the technical difficulty of methanol vehicles is not large. I believe it will be popularized soon." Liu Shengquan revealed that many foreign and domestic automakers have come to Xi’an to hold talks on methanol vehicles.

Peng Yuyan was shortlisted for the Golden Horse with "Guild Wars" and played Huang Feihong to challenge and upgrade

Peng Yuyan and Lin Chaoxian cooperate for the first time and are shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award

     Peng Yuyan won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor for Lin Siqi in the shortlist for the 50th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards recently announced. Peng Yuyan performed the hardest performance since his debut as an MMA contestant. After the film was released, it was well received and recognized by the Golden Horse Awards judges. Peng Yuyan said: "Thank you to the director for pushing me to a certain extent and letting me challenge myself. It was all worth it." Recently, Peng Yuyan shot a film in Shanghai, and played Huang Feihong in the film. The difficulty coefficient was upgraded compared with "Guild Wars". Peng Yuyan said, "When I decided to perform this play, I had to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do my best."

Peng Yuyan performs as an MMA player

Three times shortlisted for the Golden Horse, Peng Yuyan: No pay, no gain

    A few days ago, Peng Yuyan won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the 50th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards for Lin Siqi in "Guild Wars". This is the third time he has been shortlisted for the Golden Horse Awards. Last year, he also served as the image spokesperson of the Golden Horse Film Festival in Fudi Yilan, which can be said to be very close to the Golden Horse. After receiving the nomination, Peng Yuyan was very happy, because he broke through the previous image in "Guild Wars" and interpreted the MMA fighter. In order to be as close to the image of a real boxer as possible, Peng Yuyan experienced "the hardest performance since his debut". In addition to thanking director Lin Chaoxian and the Golden Horse Awards judges, Peng Yuyan also said happily: "All the efforts are worth it. Golden Horse Fifty is very memorable to Chinese movies, and it has a profound meaning to me. "

    Peng Yuyan once said when promoting "Guild Wars" that he was very honored to cooperate with Lin Chaoxian’s director. "I think all the boys he photographed have won awards, and they are all very powerful, and I also hope to be able to participate in them." This time, Peng Yuyan and Lin Chaoxian were shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award for the first time, which made his wish come true. Peng Yuyan admitted that winning the award is an unattainable thing. "I have paid a lot for this play, and I can work with Brother Jiahui. In fact, it is very worthwhile. Of course, it is more happy to win the award."

The difficulty coefficient of playing "Huang Feihong" has been upgraded, and the shaved head realizes the kung fu dream

    Recently, Peng Yuyan’s starring role in "Huang Feihong’s Hero has a Dream" is being filmed in Shanghai, and he plays the kung fu master Huang Feihong in the film. Peng Yuyan said, "In order to make’Huang Feihong ‘, I have to do a lot of things that I have never done in my life. When I decided to perform this drama, I had to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do my best." He revealed that the entire crew is in a very tight state now, and everyone is very nervous every day. "I am equally nervous." In the film, Peng Yuyan has a lot of action scenes, which are more difficult than "Guild Wars". In order to interpret this classic character in Chinese film history, Peng Yuyan worked hard. He said: "What I can do now is to play this role as well as I can. Try to do the moves I should practice and the temperament I should show. I need to think slowly, watch slowly, and work hard to do the rest."

    Peng Yuyan played Huang Feihong in the role of Huang Feihong, and then shaved his bald head. Last time, he played a returnee. Although he was from the Qing Dynasty, he was very foreign in style, and he failed to shoot real fighting scenes, leaving a lot of regrets. This time, Peng Yuyan played Huang Feihong, a grandmaster of Hong Quan in the late Qing Dynasty, in the new film, and had an addiction to clean-up fighting scenes. He said that it was a childhood dream to shoot action scenes. "Boys, very stylish people want to try it. Now I feel very excited to see my dream come true step by step."

    It is reported that Peng Yuyan will take leave with the crew and return to Taiwan on November 23 to participate in the annual Golden Horse event.

What are the highlights of Xiaomi SU7 passive safety design? Lei Jun: A New Generation of Road Tanks

  [Pacific Auto] At the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference, Xiaomi SU7 made its debut. In addition to the visible exterior interior, Lei Jun also revealed many details of passive safety design of SU7 at the conference. It adopted an armored cage steel-aluminum hybrid body with a torsional stiffness as high as 51,000 N m/deg, which was made a "new generation highway" by Lei Jun. Let’s take a look at the technical characteristics of passive safety of SU7.

  First of all, in terms of passive safety standards, Xiaomi SU7 is working towards the five safety standards of the latest regulations of the crash test center, such as the 2023 version of Five Stars and the 2024 version of Five Stars.

  So what are the technical highlights of SU7 in order to achieve these high standards of safety testing? Let’s take a look at the materials for the body structure first. SU7 adopts the armored cage steel-aluminum hybrid body, and uses ultra-high strength steel up to 2000MPa in key parts such as, B-pillar and floor beam, and the proportion of high strength steel and aluminum alloy reaches 90.1%. This is the guarantee that the passenger compartment space will not be invaded in the collision.

  The application of materials is on the one hand, and the design of structure is equally important. There are several major features on SU7, such as composite super-high strength front longitudinal beam, integrated die-cast aluminum triangular beam, super-strong steel beam-aluminum threshold beam and large die-cast integrated rear floor.

  It is worth mentioning that the design of super-strong steel beam and aluminum sill beam can make the whole vehicle have a lateral impact force of 820kN, which makes the body more calm in the face of severe collision conditions. With the technology of battery CTB, the torsional stiffness of Xiaomi SU7 can reach an astonishing 51 000 N m/deg. What is the concept? The torsional stiffness of the vehicle is 50000 n m/deg.

On the other hand, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with seven airbags, the biggest feature of which is that it is equipped with a remote airbag in the middle, that is, the role of preventing occupants from colliding with each other in a side collision is more common in European models, but not many in domestic models. But like, the rear seat side airbag is not seen, is it safe enough to be unnecessary?

  It was also mentioned at the press conference that Xiaomi SU7 has more than 40 passive safety collision tests, covering all collision standards of C-NCAP and C-IASI. Moreover, in the common frontal collision and side collision, the speed is higher, even in the tail collision test, the speed reaches 90km/h, which is higher than the most stringent American FMVSS standard. We will wait and see what the actual passive security is.

The ratings reached a new high, which attracted a hot discussion on the whole network. Qiu Chan opened a new dimension of spy war drama.

The youth spy war drama "Qiu Chan" starring Allen and Li Man is currently being broadcasted. Since the first broadcast, 14 hot searches have been made, and the series has triggered discussions on the whole network with continuous popularity; CSM59 City’s ratings broke 2 times in a row and reached 2.282% in a single day. Last weekend, it achieved the third consecutive title of provincial satellite TV. Network data reached a climax again, ranking first in data platforms such as Guduo, Lighthouse, Vlink, Aiman and Yunhe. The mainstream media strongly supported Amway. Qiu Chan has become the focus of the whole network with its young perspective, high-energy plot and unique personnel design, which has opened a new dimension of spy war drama.

Youth cultivation is a spy war, opening a new dimension of genre films.

As one of the few spy war dramas in recent years, Qiu Chan not only has the essential elements of traditional spy war dramas, such as fast pace and strong logic, but also gives an unprecedented new color to spy war genre films with the two key words of "youth+cultivation". With the hot-blooded "youth cultivation" line, it broadens the new dimension of genre drama.

The four leading actors in Qiu Chan, Ye Chong, He Ying, Chi Cheng and Jin Xiang, are all young representatives who are in danger and fearless of life and death, while the actors Ren Jialun, Li Man, Liu Huan and Du Juan He are also high-quality young actors who speak with strength. Their combination is like a dialogue between young people of different ages, telling their feelings about their home country and their youthful vigor. In addition, the emotional line between "Nightingale" and "Chi Zhenxiang" also clearly shows the youth’s emotions and emotions. Ye Chong He Ying went from misunderstanding to trust, and Chi Cheng Jin Xiang went from quarrel to tolerance. It is this bittersweet that explains what is the true meaning of love and what is true love.

And "cultivation" actually happens to correspond to "youth". Qiu Chan is not a traditional spy war drama of "immortals fighting", and every character in it is growing. Ye Chong changed from accepting the "sacrifice" of his teammates to trying to avoid sacrifice, and He Ying changed from reckless to knowing one step at a time. The growth of his role also moved the audience, especially for young audiences. The "youth" and "cultivation" in Qiu Chan lie not only in the heavy national mission shouldered by the youth, but also in the simplicity, high spirits and growth only belonging to the youth.

Wang Jinsong Li Xiaoran is on the line, and a large-scale acting match will be staged soon.

In addition to the young actors, Qiu Chan also gathered many powerful actors, and Zhang Hanyu, He Zhonghua and Hu Yajie all delighted the audience. After Sandalwood (Zhang Hanyu) and Uncle He (He Zhonghua) both went offline, the highly anticipated teachers Wang Jinsong and Li Xiaoran finally arrived!

Wang Jinsong and Li Xiaoran play the roles of "adoptive father" and "mother" of Ye Chong respectively. Although they are close relatives of Chong Ge, they are very different from Ye Chong, and the contrast between their roles is quite obvious. Wang Jinsong has always been famous for his acting skills, which can be interpreted from "the villain" to "the loyal minister". This time, he plays the role of Qingquan Ueno, but the cold face is hidden. Such a person doesn’t know how Mr. Wang will interpret it. Li Xiaoran has starred in many works of the era before, and many images of the Republic of China are regarded as classics. What kind of breakthroughs and surprises will there be in the return of this drama of the Republic of China? Qingquan Ueno, Jiangyue (Li Xiaoran) and Ye Chong, what kind of drama will this "special family" perform?

"Qiu Chan" carries the spirit of achieving the big self with the small self, ignites youth with blood and lives up to the youth, reshapes the definition of high-quality spy war drama, and brings a brand-new feeling to the audience. Next, crises are frequent and suspense is interlocking. How will young people respond? More exciting, lock in Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue Theater at 19: 30 every day.

Huawei Wang Jun: Building a Smart Driving Technology System with Independent Innovation.

  [Industry of car home] On December 16th-17th, the Global Smart Car Industry Summit (GIV2022) hosted by committee of 100, an electric vehicle from China, was held in Hefei. At the meeting, BU COO, Huawei’s smart car solution, and Wang Jun, president of the smart driving solution product line, said that we should build an independent and innovative smart driving technology system. After cutting off the supply of high-performance GPU chips in the United States, it has a huge impact on the field of autonomous driving. The rising architecture built by Huawei is self-developed from the bottom hardware, AI framework, training platform and tool chain, and does not rely on American technology.

Home of the car

  Wang Jun introduced that after more than three years of development, Huawei’s smart car solutions have entered the stage of scale delivery. By the end of October this year, Huawei had released 1.72 million sets of components. Now it is the development stage of fuel vehicle to electric vehicle, and it is evolving to intelligence. Electrification is the change of energy system, and the essence is still the change of hardware. Hardware determines the upper limit of experience, and the performance and experience of electrification will gradually converge. The differentiation of electric vehicle experience mainly comes from intelligent systems, especially intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving. There are great differences between different models. The core of intelligence is computing power, software and data. Hardware capability is only the lower limit of experience, while software determines the upper limit of experience.

  In practice, Huawei found that electrification is the best carrier of intelligence, and there are great differences between them. These two completely different technical systems, Huawei is trying to deeply integrate them, resulting in the effect of 1+1>2, becoming a bridge on the road of intelligent transformation of automobile enterprises and creating an intelligent electric vehicle with the best experience.

  Intelligentization is a new track. Huawei believes that the system with the best experience and leading technology can be built by adopting the full-stack integration solution, such as the HarmonyOS cockpit system with optional mode and the high-order intelligent driving assistance system with HM mode. However, this method also faces the problems of large investment, difficult technology and long cycle. In the process of building a full-stack solution, Huawei introduced parts technology and products, and adopted diversified modes of cooperation to achieve a win-win situation according to the situation and needs of different car companies.

  Wang Jun said that smart cars are highly personalized, customized and high-value consumer goods that can be produced in large quantities. To achieve a balance in contradictions, we need a strong infrastructure and development platform, which can be flexibly customized to form differentiation, and can be quickly developed and replicated. Huawei Smart Car Digital Base can provide basic network and hardware platform for car companies, and also provide basic software platform including underlying operating system, atomization service and development tools, so as to improve development efficiency, enhance experience through vehicle collaboration, and reduce development difficulty through open interface. Many models applying this platform are under development, and will be released and listed one after another from 2023. The new model has stronger expansibility and faster iterative development speed. On September 28th, 2022, SDV Working Group of China Automobile Industry Association released the official version of Software-Defined Automobile Service API Reference Specification 3.0, including 501 atomic service API interfaces and 343 equipment abstract API interfaces. As an important member of SDV working group, Huawei has completed the system domain integration with more than 30 devices from more than 20 manufacturers based on standardized interface specifications, and the development efficiency of new services has increased tenfold.

  Wang Jun shared two integrated solutions. In terms of intelligent cockpit, Huawei deeply integrates the minimalist human-computer interaction experience of smart phones with the sophisticated space experience of automobiles, and builds a full-stack intelligent cockpit solution Harmony Space to provide full-scene smart travel services for drivers and passengers. Huawei is constantly improving its capabilities in voice, multimodal interaction, screen, Huawei Sound and ecology, which will be gradually released in the future.

  Based on the Harmony OS car operating system, the partners jointly define the hardware interface, so that the hardware can be plug and play, replaceable and upgraded, and diversified hardware can be interconnected. Nine types of CASE are developed for car scenes, which open the language, vision, Huawei Sound and the underlying hardware capabilities of partners to applications through API interfaces, and rapidly develop a multi-device cooperative cockpit system. Our partner’s car canopy, electronic rearview mirror, holographic projection, steering system and intelligent health seat equipment are being applied to customers’ new models one after another after the integration test, helping partners to achieve commercial success and build innovative cockpit experience for consumers.

  In terms of intelligent driving solutions, Wang Jun believes that intelligent driving can’t be achieved by piling up hardware, which can’t produce a good experience. Now the market is very "rolled", and we can often see how much computing power and sensors are deployed in publicity, but what kind of intelligent driving experience can be achieved is uncertain. Three years ago, we defined the highest hardware specifications in the industry at that time. Later, everyone said that Huawei’s intelligent driving system was good. Because the hardware configuration was very high and strong, the industry began to "roll up" in hardware competition, and fell into a strange circle of attaching importance to hardware, ignoring experience and being weak in security. This should not be advocated.

  The most difficult thing for intelligent driving is the breakthrough of a large number of long-tail difficult scenes, which requires strong software algorithm ability and massive test and verification accumulation to achieve the most comfortable driving. Moreover, it is the best intelligent driving system to be safer than human driving. Huawei has been pursuing the ultimate experience similar to human driving. In September, Shenzhen officially released the high-precision map, and the Extreme Fox Alpha S HI version equipped with Huawei ADS system launched the NCA self-driving navigation assistance function for Shenzhen car owners. Huawei ADS is the first system to support advanced driving assistance in urban areas. I often drive this car when I go to work, and I use self-driving throughout the 20-30 km road, making it easy to realize point-to-point intelligent driving assistance. At present, the function of urban NCA depends on high-precision maps, and the cycle of composition and map review is relatively long. With the gradual release of high-precision maps in major cities in China, the function of urban NCA will be opened one after another, and the function of urban NCA in Shanghai will be officially launched in December.

  Safety is the core of intelligent driving. Huawei proposes that driving should be safer and driving should be easier. Huawei has designed a 360 safety protection system with 16 active safety functions when driving, which gives full play to the integrated sensing ability and improves many active safety capabilities. For example, the traditional AEB, Huawei is faster, can find abnormal objects and realize active safety treatment. The sensing system configured for self-driving can be used in driving, and the overall self-driving hardware equipment is worthwhile. At present, the intelligent driving system is basically a fragmented experience. Huawei focuses on three driving scenarios: high-speed, urban area and parking, and strives to break through difficult scenes, open up the self-driving function of the whole scene, enhance the continuity of user experience and make intelligent driving easier.

  Wang Jun called for building an intelligent driving technology system with independent innovation. Not long ago, the United States restricted the export of high-performance GPU chips to China, and AI sanctions began to be implemented. High-end chips mainly serve servers in high-performance data centers and are used for large-scale AI training in the cloud, which is very important for AI algorithm training of autonomous driving. Cutting off the supply of these high-end chips has a huge impact on the field of autonomous driving. Huawei has built an AI infrastructure solution for the whole scene of "end, edge and cloud" based on the AI processors of the Ascension series, covering the whole process of reasoning, training and deployment in the field of in-depth learning. Ascension architecture is self-developed from the bottom hardware, AI framework, training platform and tool chain, and does not rely on American technology.

  The core of Huawei’s intelligent driving computing platform MDC is Ascension Series. Based on Ascension Computing, an Octopus cloud training platform is built, and an intelligent driving development, training and deployment platform with end-cloud collaboration is built, which takes root in technology and gives the world a second choice. Huawei has migrated all the training of intelligent driving to Ascension architecture, which means that many operators of Huawei’s own training have been built on Ascension and are open to other algorithm developers.

  "We hope that everyone can use this system together, the crowdfunding operator library, and continue to develop in the black land of China, getting better and better. We will continue to work closely with universities and educational institutions to provide developers with training in Ascension System, and provide tools and technical support in the process of migrating to Ascension, and join hands with China’s industrial partners to build an independent and innovative intelligent driving technology system, share technological innovation achievements and win the future of intelligent driving. "

Finally, there is a fashion that can be understood. The 2022 Paris Fashion Week model street shooting is simple, generous and advanced.

Every time we watch a big show or street shoot, many people will send out such feelings as "too fashionable, can you wear it in life?" and "Oh, I can’t control it."

But there is a saying in the fashion world: the simpler the more advanced, perhaps knowing this truth. In this year’s street shooting of Paris fashion models, we can find that their clothes have changed a lot, and they are no longer fancy and incomprehensible, but more classic.

For example, a classic white shirt is basically a must-have item in everyone’s wardrobe, and no matter who you wear it, it can show a different taste.

Besides, there are many fashions worth trying and choosing. The most important thing is that we can draw many matching conclusions from the street shooting of models.

Classic jeans danpin

Among many fashions, the most classic one is denim. Although the times are constantly changing and the fashionable items in the fashion circle are endless, the status of denim fashion circle cannot be replaced by other items.

This is enough to show that classic denim fashion is definitely worth choosing and trying. For example, some daily wear can’t be separated from classic denim fashion.

For women who love beauty, in hot summer, they can choose denim dress to help themselves and build a good temperament. This skirt is simple in style, but it has obvious age-reducing effect. Older women will look younger if they wear it.

Loose t-shirt

Perhaps in most people’s minds, they will think that the fashions selected by the models in Fashion Week are all full of design sense.

But if we really look at their street shooting, we will find that the items they wear are very ordinary daily items, such as loose T-shirts.

No matter who wears this kind of single product, it can present a good temperament. It is a kind of fashion regardless of age and gender, with higher plasticity and stronger practicability, which is worth choosing and trying.

Folding element fashion

For these models in Fashion Week, they don’t just choose the basic fashion in their daily life, but also try the fashion with bright spots.

For example, the fashion with pleated elements has distinctive styles and can show certain psychology, which can make ordinary wear more interesting.

For example, the black jumpsuit with pleated design is relatively more everyday, but it does not lose its bright spot and can make the style look fashionable and individual.

Simple dress

Advanced and decent style is worth pursuing and trying. From the street shooting of Paris Fashion Week, models prefer simple and fashionable skirts, such as black straight skirt with suspenders. This kind of skirt is beautiful and advanced, and it also has a different temperament.

Basic vest

In the hot summer, it is natural to have a vest. With a wide-leg pants, you can show the atmospheric style and make your temperament outstanding enough.

In daily life, matching classic jeans with a vest shows a different good temperament. If your temperament is ordinary, trying this matching method can quickly enhance the sense of fashion.

You can choose a more personalized vest, such as a plaid vest with brown pants. This style is more retro and fashionable, which can make your temperament more outstanding.

For many women, once in summer, they may not know what kind of style to create. They can choose classic items or other items to make their styles more diverse and learn the collocation methods of supermodels, which can improve their temperament.

Original text, pictures from the network, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

There is a bad feeling between men and women, which is obvious and not difficult to see.

In interpersonal communication, the feelings between men and women are often complicated and subtle, and sometimes there will be some unpleasant situations.

This paper will discuss several manifestations of bad feelings between men and women to help you better identify and deal with related problems.

First, communication barriers
An obvious manifestation of bad feelings between men and women is communication barriers. When two people are no longer willing to listen and understand each other, feelings begin to have problems. Communication barriers can be manifested in the following aspects:

1. Lack of patience: When one party encounters problems or difficulties, the other party may have no patience to listen and give support and understanding.
2. Inappropriate words: The two sides may hurt each other’s feelings because of improper words, leading to the escalation of contradictions.
3. Lack of trust: The lack of trust between men and women leads to the reluctance of both sides to share their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Second, indifference and alienation
Another manifestation of bad feelings between men and women is indifference and alienation. When both sides no longer care about each other’s life and feelings, feelings begin to fade. The performance of indifference and alienation can include the following aspects:

1. Ignore each other’s needs: Both parties may no longer care about each other’s needs and feelings, resulting in unhappy life together.
2. Reduce intimate contact: Close contact between men and women is one of the important ways to maintain feelings, but when the two sides are unwilling to have intimate contact again, feelings begin to have problems.
3. Avoid discussing sensitive topics: Men and women may avoid discussing sensitive topics, which will deepen the gap between them.

Third, blame and attack each other
Another manifestation of bad feelings between men and women is mutual accusations and attacks.

When both sides began to criticize and accuse each other, feelings began to be hurt. The manifestations of mutual accusations and attacks can include the following aspects:

1. Constantly criticize each other: Both sides may constantly criticize and accuse each other, leading to the deterioration of feelings.
2. Ignore each other’s advantages: Both sides may only focus on each other’s shortcomings and shortcomings, but ignore each other’s advantages and strengths.
3. Create contradictions: Both parties may deliberately create contradictions to avoid facing emotional problems.

Fourth, lack of support and understanding
Another manifestation of bad feelings between men and women is the lack of support and understanding. When the two sides are no longer willing to support and understand each other, feelings begin to have problems.

The lack of support and understanding can include the following aspects:

1. Don’t care about each other’s work and study: Both parties may not care about each other’s work and study, resulting in a lack of common topics and support when living together.
2. Disrespect for each other’s hobbies and interests: Both parties may not respect each other’s hobbies and interests, resulting in lack of common ground and interaction in living together.
3. Don’t understand each other’s emotions and pressures: Both parties may not understand each other’s emotions and pressures, resulting in failure to provide support and comfort in difficult times.

Five, don’t respect each other’s privacy

Another manifestation of bad feelings between men and women is disrespect for each other’s privacy.

When the two sides no longer respect each other’s privacy, feelings begin to have problems. The performance of not respecting each other’s privacy can include the following aspects:

1. Look at each other’s mobile phones or personal belongings at will: Both parties may look at each other’s mobile phones or personal belongings at will, causing the other party to feel uneasy and disrespectful.
2. Constantly questioning each other’s whereabouts and activities: Both parties may constantly question each other’s whereabouts and activities, causing the other party to feel monitored and not free.
3. Ignoring each other’s private space needs: Both parties may ignore each other’s private space needs, resulting in a lack of comfort and freedom in living together.

There are various manifestations of bad feelings between men and women, but they can mainly be attributed to communication barriers, indifference and alienation, mutual accusations and attacks, lack of support and understanding, and disrespect for each other’s privacy.

When these manifestations appear between men and women, it is necessary to take timely measures to improve and maintain emotional relationships.

This includes strengthening communication, mutual understanding and support, respecting each other’s privacy and trying to solve contradictions and problems. Only with joint efforts can the relationship become healthier, more stable and longer.


According to the analysis and prediction of the top 16 Champions League, the big gift package will qualify ahead of schedule, and the group of death really deserves its reputation.

The Champions League has reached the fourth round of the group stage, and there are only two rounds left before the end of the group stage. In fact, the lineup of the knockout stage has been basically determined, but the final two rounds still need to be finalized. Some of each group have been eliminated in advance, and some can only enter the Europa League. Let’s specifically analyze the possible lineup of the Champions League Top 16.

Group A, Naples 12 points, Liverpool 9 points, Ajax 3 points and Rangers 0 points.

The qualifying situation of this group is already very clear. Two teams, Naples and Liverpool, have already qualified ahead of schedule, while Ajax and Flowers can only be eliminated. However, there is a theoretical possibility. In the second round of the contest with Liverpool, Ajax needs to beat the opponent by a big score and beat the Wanderers in the last round. Moreover, only when Liverpool didn’t score a point in the last two rounds, Ajax can push Liverpool to qualify. However, this is a very small probability.

In addition, I thought that in Group A, Liverpool and Ajax were the top 16 of the Champions League, but I didn’t expect Naples to be the first in the group. This is the Champions League. All uncertainties can happen.

Group B, Bruges 10, Porto 6, Atletico 4, Leverkusen 3.

Two teams from five major leagues, Leverkusen and Atletico Madrid, didn’t expect to be ranked third and fourth after four rounds, and the situation was extremely slim. Who would have thought that Bruges, the big gift package, would have become the first in the group if the spot was signed at the beginning of the group stage.

In the next match, Bruges will face Porto and Leverkusen. In fact, the advantage of 10 points has already ensured Bruges to qualify for the Champions League knockout, while the remaining qualification will come from between Porto and Atletico Madrid. Considering the state of Atletico Madrid in the match, it is still optimistic that Porto and Bruges will qualify together.

Group C, Bayern scored 12 points, Inter Milan scored 7 points, Barcelona scored 4 points and Bilsen Victory Team scored 0 points.

The absolute death group really deserves its reputation. In fact, from the current points situation, the fierce competition between this group and Group B can’t be compared, because in terms of fame, Bayern Inter and Barcelona are both champion teams. However, from the perspective of strength, if Barcelona and Inter enter Group B, I’m afraid they can’t escape the fate of being eliminated.

The promotion situation of this group has been released, with Bayern Group first and Inter Group second. In the next two games, Inter will be able to qualify as long as they beat Bilsen Victory Team at home, and Barcelona will play the Europa League.

Group D, Tottenham 7 points, Marseille 6 points, Portugal Sports 6 points, Frankfurt 4 points.

This group is still inextricably linked. It seems that this season’s Champions League has a feeling of a hundred schools of thought contending. There are no strong teams, but neither is weak, and the promotion is ambiguous. In Group D, Tottenham still has the initiative to advance. In the last two rounds, they will face Marseille and Portugal Sports, while Marseille and Portugal Sports both have a match against Frankfurt, which gives them a better chance of scoring points. So, in this group, Tottenham and Marseille will advance.

Group E, Chelsea 7 points, Red Bull 6 points, Milan 4 points and Dynamo Zagreb 4 points.

After four rounds of matches, only Chelsea, the Premier League giant, has a bigger advantage in points in this group. No wonder, the remaining three teams are really average in strength. However, Chelsea didn’t qualify in advance in the fourth round, and some fans are still worried about their status in the knockout round. Now, they also try their best to make sure that they can appear in the group first, while Red Bull and Milan have a life-and-death fight in the final match. However, if Milan can beat Dynamo, they have basically determined their qualification.

Group F, Real Madrid 10 points, Leipzig 6 points, Donetsk 5 points and Celtic 1 point.

Donetsk and Celtic are frequent visitors to the Champions League group stage, and they also have the experience of advancing to the knockout stage. For these two teams, they should have been entangled with the strong teams in Group F, but after four rounds, the two teams performed poorly, so they could only be ranked at the bottom. Real Madrid and Leipzig have been able to qualify hand in hand in this group.

Group G, Manchester City 10 points, Dortmund 7 points, Seville 2 points, Copenhagen 2 points.

The qualifying situation of this group is already very obvious. Manchester City and Dortmund have qualified hand in hand, while Seville has never belonged to the Champions League. Even if it is strong, it can only be the overlord of the Europa League. This season, among the La Liga teams, only Real Madrid has stayed in the Champions League, while Barcelona and Seville, possibly Atletico Madrid, will probably meet in the Europa League.

Group H, Paris Saint-Germain 8 points, Benfica 8 points, Juventus 3 points, Maccabi Haifa 3 points.

This group, theoretically speaking, has a chance to qualify, but it has already played four rounds of league matches, and both Grand Bale and Benfica have an advantage of 8 points, while Juve and Maccabi Haifa have only 3 points. Considering the record of the previous four rounds and the points gained, it is unlikely that Juve and Maccabi Haifa want to surpass the top two in the last two rounds.