Jay Chou did data for Kunling and went online to give "Skyfire" a point of "want to see"

1905 movie network news In the early morning of November 13, Jay Chou updated his personal social account and released a screenshot of himself "wanting to see" the movie on the ticketing platform and said domineering: "Everyone should know that brother wants first place in everything." He called on everyone to do data for Kunling’s new film.

After Zhou Dong’s "task" was issued, fans immediately followed Zhou Dong’s pace and joined the team to do data for Kunling’s new film. Everyone said "I ate this wave of dog food" "Data will be made immediately"! #Jay Chou does data for Kunling #This topic rushed to the fourth place in Weibo’s trending topic list in a short period of time, causing a sensation on the whole network.

It is reported that this is not the first time Jay Chou has promoted Quinling’s new film "Skyfire". As early as the first concert of Jay Chou’s Carnival World Tour, he played the trailer of "Skyfire" on a loop before the opening, and even announced the news of the film’s release on December 12 during the concert.

Every game since thenBefore the start of the Carnival World Tour, the trailer of "Skyfire" would appear on the stage and big screen. Jay Chou used his actions to confirm his title of "Favorite Wife Maniac", but his repeated efforts to promote "Skyfire" were not just "Favorite Wife" operations.

It is well known that Jay Chou himself once served as a film director. His directorial masterpieces are quite classic and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although he has not directed any new films in recent years, he has also been closely monitoring the development of Chinese-language films.

"Sky Fire" is the first volcano-themed visual effects adventure on the Chinese screen. The film tells a wonderful story full of ignition and tears: a sudden volcanic eruption makes the beautiful resort of Sky Fire Island instantly enter "escape mode". Faced with this sudden life-and-death crisis, geologist Li Wentao (Wang Xueqi), his daughter Li Xiaomeng (Kunling) and others launched a time-critical and dangerous self-rescue and his rescue…

Due to the high difficulty and investment in filming and production, volcano-themed visual effects blockbusters have never been seen on the domestic big screen, and even Hollywood rarely touches them. As a pathfinder for Chinese film heavy industry genres, "Skyfire" was prepared for incubation for five years, and it took two years to shoot and post productin. The team behind the scenes crafted it with ingenuity.

From the previous exposure of a number of trailers, it can be found that the special effects scene of the volcanic eruption in "Sky Fire" is extremely shocking, with fireballs and magma exploding in shock, and volcanic ash floating in the air creating a strong sense of atmosphere. It is reported that hundreds of kilograms of explosives and more than 20 tons of volcanic ash purchased from all over the world were used during the filming of the film. The visual effects of the whole film account for more than 80%, and the special effects strive to be realistic and immersive, so that the audience can feel hearty! Presumably such an attentive Chinese movie must be the main reason why Jay Chou worked hard to promote it.

"Skyfire" is produced by Dong Wenjie, the Chinese film "behind the gold medal", and directed by internationally renowned director Simon West. There are also veteran actors Wang Xueqi, treasure girl Kunling, powerful young student Dou Xiao, British national treasure actor Jason Isaacs, and emerging actors Bai’an, Ma Xinmo, Ji Lingchen and others.