Deng Chao saw the fans dancing and was once slapped by Sun Li


  When Deng Chao saw the fans, he danced. (Reporter, Ren Fengtao/Photo)


 Fans sent flowers to take a group photo with Deng Chao. (Reporter, Ren Fengtao/Photo)

  Directed by Gao Xixi, the TV drama "Sweet Honey" starring Deng Chao and Sun Li will be broadcast on BTV-4 today. Yesterday (30th), Deng Chao visited Jinghua Teahouse and shared with fans many interesting things about him during the filming of "Sweet Honey". In the play, Deng Chao’s role as "Lei Lei" is really fascinating. Many female fans at the scene gave Deng Chao unconditional praise, which made Deng Chao beautiful. He said without modesty that "Lei Lei" is his most perfect role: "I played this role with 300% of my strength and used up all my energy. So for me, there is no regret at all." Facing the issue of marriage, Deng Chao is very cautious. Although he has met the parents of both parties, Deng Chao still said: "You must be careful when getting married."

  ■ On-site

  Greetings pour tea for fans

  Hearing that Deng Chao was coming, many readers signed up, many of whom were die-hard fans of Deng Chao. At 2:00 p.m., the venue was full of people, and some fans did not complain even if they stood. Deng Chao appeared in a red tracksuit, looking very energetic, but he revealed that he actually did not have enough sleep. "I couldn’t sleep last night, and I only slept for 4 hours." Maybe it was because he didn’t sleep well. Deng Chao was very restrained in the eyes of the fans at first, and he didn’t know where to put his hands. But while chatting, Deng Chao’s mood became high, grabbing the cushion on the sofa as a toy, carrying it on his shoulders, playing with it on his knees, and acting on his own, stunned everyone. Finding himself off topic, he also asked the reporter with a smile: "Look where this question went, why didn’t you stop me?" During the chat, Deng Chao saw that everyone’s teacups were empty, and immediately called the waiter to pour water for everyone. Deng Chao was like seeing his mother’s family and chatting with everyone about family affairs.

  Talk about new dramas

  Lei Lei is a "abused" hero

  When talking about the role of Lei Lei in the play, Deng Chao said that Lei Lei is the perfect man in his mind, and can be regarded as a "benchmark" for men. In Deng Chao’s opinion, although Lei Lei is often beaten badly, he is a hero. "I like Lei Lei very much. Because he is super single-minded and has a sense of humor, girls like single-minded men. He is also very brave, and he can cut both sides for his friends, although every time he stands up for others, he never wins a fight. In ordinary movies and TV dramas, the male lead is always abusive to others, but Lei Lei is abused by many people, but this is what makes him a hero. He has a chivalrous spirit rather than a ruffian spirit."

  Sun Li slapped her mouth and typed out her handprint.

  In order to design the dramatic conflict to be more extreme and moving, the character "Lei Lei" has a lot of action scenes, and Deng Chaonatural hung up a lot of colors, leaving an unforgettable experience in his life, "One day I was injured three times in a row. The first time was a half-life scene. On the cliff, Lei Lei pulled Qing’er up from the cliff. In that scene, I used too much force, and the back of my head hit the stone, and there was a muffled sound of’bang ‘. The crew at the foot of the mountain heard it, and their first reaction was to run up to see how I was doing. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, they all praised my head for being so hard. For the first time, I knew what it was to be dizzy. The second time was to shoot a scene where I was carried out, the stretcher suddenly broke, and the back of my head hit the ground again. Everyone said that it was only three things, and I had a premonition that I would be injured again, but I just prayed that I wouldn’t kowtow my head again. Fortunately, the third time I was stabbed with a thorn in my hand, I felt very relieved and happily pulled the thorn out. "

  There was also a scene where Deng Chao understood what pain meant and was happy, "After the scene of Ye Qing slapping Thunder and Thunder three times in a row, the director asked that he must really hit, so Sun Li slapped me, leaving a red handprint on my face. At that time, I saw tears in her eyes."

  In the last scene, Lei Lei had a car accident and became a vegetable, but this simple scene was repeated several times. Deng Chao admitted that it was the first time in his life that he found that people could cry with their eyes closed, "I don’t know why, but when I heard Sun Li’s confession, I couldn’t help but shed tears."

  ■ Talk about performance

  I want to play Zhuge Liang in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

  Gao Xixi’s "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is being prepared, and Deng Chao also hopes to cooperate with Gao Chao again. At present, the script of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is already in Deng Chao’s hands, and Gao Chao lets him choose. Fans all think that Deng Chao is suitable for playing Zhou Yu, but Deng Chao said without hesitation: "I want to play Zhuge Liang the most," which made everyone fall short of glasses. "Zhuge Liang is so amazing, so I don’t look like me?" Deng Chao said as he raised his hand and made a move to twist his beard, and immediately burst into laughter. Deng Chao felt that Zhuge Liang was a challenging role, "I don’t like to play regular roles the most. The more everyone says I can’t play a role, the more I want to face difficulties and surprise everyone. I am such a character. "

  Talk about marriage

  Romantic when proposing

  Sun Li and Deng Chao, who are in love, starred in "Sweet Honey" at the invitation of the director "Matchmaker" Gao Xixi. Unlike "Happiness is Like a Flower", "Sweet Honey" is a romantic and bitter love, but Sun Li and Deng Chao are soaked in a honeypot outside the play. However, when talking about their feelings, Deng Chao immediately became very nervous, always wanting to change the topic, drinking water so hard that he almost choked. Sun Li once said that maybe one day when he is happy, the two of them will go to get the certificate and give everyone a surprise. In the face of the problem of marriage, Deng Chao is very cautious. Although the two have met the parents of both parties, Deng Chao still said: "Marriage should be cautious." He said that when he proposes marriage, he will definitely act very romantic, not just as simple as kneeling on one knee.

  Talk to friends

  Zhou Xun is a good teacher and friend

  "In the film, I played Zhou Xun’s lover, who is a drug dealer and a very depressed character. She is my mentor and friend," Mr. Deng said. "Zhou Xun can be possessed by her soul when she acts, and I admire her the most." Zhou Xun is also Deng Chao’s photography teacher. "I bought a camera like her, I like to travel, and I record things that I find interesting in the lens, and now I shoot very amateurishly. I will continue to improve my photography skills, and look forward to holding a photography exhibition to share my happiness with all my friends."

  ■ Talk about career

  This year, he will return to the stage of drama

  Deng Chao, who has been busy filming, said, "I have said many times that I will return to the stage of drama, but it has not been realized. I will definitely achieve it this year. I hope that one day I will stand in the National Center for the Performing Arts as a drama actor to perform for everyone. The stage of drama is a temple to me. From the time I learned to act until now, I will kiss the stage every time I perform, just like a sacred ceremony. The stage of drama is my eternal position. I said that I will act until I am 80 years old. I will meet the audience in the middle of this year." Deng Chao hopes to star in the same stage as Sun Li. "To be honest, I am still a little selfish. I will have a better understanding with Li, and I can still be together." (Reporter, Zhao Nanan)

Editor in charge: Fan Jing