Ye Qingcheng: When I was at a low point in my life, those foods miraculously healed me…

At that time, I said to myself: "Everyone has a cold winter or two in their life." At the height of my life, I found a job: too little money to mention, and the road was a mess. On a sunny, unwarm afternoon, I buttoned all the buttons of my down jacket and crossed the unmelted bridge in the fourth ring to catch the bus.

I don’t remember eating, but when I got on the pedal, I staggered. The car started and then stopped. I looked out the window slowly, saw a "Zhou Ji Rice Noodles" sign, and got out of the car.

It was the ground floor of a residential building facing the street, a few steps up, and as soon as I entered the door, the heating was on my face, and my eyes were full of lush green leafy plants. After ordering a "signature rice noodle", I even drank the soup, and the heat flowed through my body bit by bit, like a hand gently brushing my whole body. Not awesome, not to hold me in my arms, but enough to give me the strength to take a long ride.

Even if I still have nothing: my lover has left me, my career is in a low state, I am intertwined with love and hate with the world, I don’t know if it owes me or I bear it. The future is a closed mouth, I long for it to spit out blessings, but I am afraid to hear curses. But to have a bowl of hot soup powder to eat is happiness.


To live, all you need is sunshine, air, water and food. No matter what happens, you can talk about it when you are full. Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight against your fate. As long as you don’t starve to death, winter will definitely end.

Food is always the best medicine, no matter what needs healing. Many years ago, I saw a movie called "Chocolates," in which young Pedro fell in love with a family’s youngest daughter, Tita. But in Mexico, as in some parts of China, the younger daughter had to stay at home to serve her parents for hundreds of years before she could consider marriage. In order to be with her – if not in the same bed, at least face to face at the dinner table – Pedro married her sister.

The front hall was a grand wedding banquet, and Dita was in the back kitchen, crying silently while handling the delicious food. The tears dripped on the food, and the miracle burst like sparks: the pastry was slightly salty with tears, making everyone remember the lost first love, the person who missed it, some things that they couldn’t remember but couldn’t let go, some people wept softly, some people let out a lot of grief; the rose-petaled quail was the temptation of desire, thoughts, and spicy, which attracted every glutton’s heart and belly to turn over the river together, and couldn’t help but undress and throw down the phoenix; the chili turkey made everyone laugh, and everyone in the world danced with brothers… And the most amazing thing was why the chocolate drink she served was so unique? Because there was both despair and hope in it – love.

The lover and sister had both eaten it and understood her feelings. Firewood, rice, oil and salt are everyone’s daily life, and love is the most important ingredient in delicious food. Delicious, not only a piece of cake and a bowl of soup, but also the words that the person who cooked the meal could not say.

Food is the most appropriate comfort. In Hong Kong dramas, whether it is a matter of life and death, a cancer report, or a summons from the Public Integrity Commission, the comfort of family members is always: "I will give you the next meal to eat?" Or: "I boiled sugar water today, it was very sweet."


In "Onei Agent Zero Hair", Liu Jialing plays a gentle and virtuous wife. No matter how outlandish and absurd Zhou Xingchi is, she is ridiculed and misunderstood by others, and she is even unsure of the beauty of a strange woman. She always responds to changes and asks him: "Are you hungry? I will cook a bowl of noodles for you to eat, okay?" There is a woman’s humility in it: I am a person who has nothing, I am not your confidant, I do not understand your grand ambitions. But I am willing to take care of your body and everything in my way. I haven’t looked for this movie on purpose, but I often see it in the early morning or dawn of various movie channels. Thousands of years of heroic ambition, inventor ingenuity, conspiracy and tricks in the rivers and lakes, and in the end, it is no match for a warm sentence: "I will cook a bowl of noodles for you to eat, okay?"

The Chinese don’t know how warm the soup is. It seems to be Gu Long, who likes to put his big hero in the vegetable market, suffer the vicissitudes of life, see the world, and finally hide in the street, becoming a hawker selling sweet wine dumplings; the big hero, covered in knife wounds, stumbles to find his beloved woman, and has nothing to say, just eat a bowl of raw hot kidney.

In "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", he wrote about an unexpected woman named "Beef Soup", who lived up to her name and made the best beef soup in the world. When she first appeared, Beef Soup smiled sweeter than flowers, but she was ruthless; in the next story, she had changed. She was a confidante with love and was willing to do everything for him.

What happened? Let’s explain it with beef soup: the soup she cooked was thicker than rice soup, and the meat was stewed together with the three wonderful parts of the cow, which is the most wonderful kind of cow. What made her make this bowl of soup so meticulously? Who ate the wonders in the soup? Who did she heal the wounds in her heart, and she was willing to make soup for him forever?


Maybe she was just tired. Instead of testing the taste of strange men every day, it was better to please this one around her. If she got a man’s stomach, she would get a man’s heart. If possible, a man is willing to indulge himself in food and drown.

If you don’t have a kind wife, it’s good to have a gentle small restaurant, and sometimes strangers can make thoughtful food. In a distant country, there is a "Late Night Canteen" that opens in the middle of the night: "The day is over, and when everyone hurries home, my day has just begun…" The boss is a taciturn middle-aged man, and a scar squarely crosses his left eye, like he has been cut in two. There is only a pork miso soup on his menu, but as long as you can say it, there is any food in the refrigerator, he will try his best to make it for you. He knows that if you love a dish, it is often because you have loved someone related to it. The person who suddenly changed his taste suddenly had a bottomless hole in his heart that needed to be appeased.

The dishes were simple: fried sausages, chow mein with soy sauce, braised eggs, half-cooked fish roe… all ordinary restaurant food. But when he said: "That sausage is delicious because Xiaolong gave it to me." We couldn’t help but be moved. Is there one of the simplest home-cooked dishes you can’t forget? Like the stir-fried cauliflower with tomatoes he taught you, or the fish head soup he took you to eat. Now, in the dead of night, who will take you to a small restaurant?

Among the guests who came and went, there were underworld members, unsuccessful actors, office workers, strippers… For some people, the late-night cafeteria was their last stop before going home, while for others, they had no home, only here to feel the warmth and excitement of people.

Fortunately, there is always hot soup to warm your hands, and a few words from the boss can warm your heart. They can always find the taste of memories here, lovers, friends, and even separated family members. Although the long night is long, the long life is always longer than it. Go home, there is a wife who cooks at home.


But if it is the wife who is suffering, who will cook for her? This is an interesting and unsolvable question.

In P.D. James’ "Murder in the Church," the baron is killed, and his mother appears unperturbed, calmly responding to the police and the reporters who come to inquire about the gossip. Standing like a rock, she has a peculiar hunger in her body, and she constantly thinks of all kinds of food, just as she, who had a bad day many years ago, longed for watermelon on winter nights. She quietly thinks that the taste of pain is like pregnancy.

No one heard her silent cries, nor did anyone come to comfort her body or soul.

Ms. Fisher, the American writer, was much better off. As a young woman, she studied in France with her equally young husband and lived on the top floor of a house "where there was a little kitchen and a little dark parlor. The round window in the parlor was the size of a Thanksgiving pie… It was impossible to bathe in that apartment, so I had to go to the public bathroom every two weeks. Every time I felt uncomfortable."

It was so cold that she tried to write, but her hands and head were frozen stiff. Her husband was not inconsiderate, and would buy some vegetables and meat non-staples on the way home. "But it’s not a pleasant thing to wear a leather jacket and gloves to cook in the kitchen. The steam from cooking disappears as soon as it touches the cold roof."

At last, she burst into tears. It was the first time her husband had seen her cry. He asked no questions, but took her to the warmest hotel in the city, to the darkest dining room. He served her, dark roast boar, and soup; peas, lentils, potatoes, chestnuts, a mixture of paste. I was full and drunk, and my whole body was warm. It turned out that there was no medicine to heal like this.


After divorcing her first husband, her second marriage was similarly short-lived. After three years of marriage, her husband became seriously ill, normal life ended, and they were helpless in the face of the disease, so they entered a state of nothing to do. "We are like living ghosts, eating and drinking, watching and feeling more than before." The disease took away one leg, then another, then two arms. His hair was gray and his big eyes were full of pain. She was a convicted woman, torn apart by ghosts, watching her loved one slowly die. What else could be done? Eat, die, and be a full ghost.

In the familiar restaurant, the familiar waiters were overwhelmed by their illness, shocked to tears, unable to say anything, and finally had to offer a bottle of champagne, wrapped in red plaid.

She said: The wine didn’t change at all, it was warm after the entrance, like a miracle. He picked up the fork, and so did she. Those pastas were as light as dust. Every meal could be the last, so it was worth savoring.

When her husband finally died, she was so traumatized by death that she would sometimes dash out the door and dash down the road until she was out of breath. She was exhausted and exhausted, but some of her senses were still alive. To ward off the shadow of death, she ate and drank greedily, which had nothing to do with physical hunger, but the food itself was enough to nourish her. She designed the menu herself, prepared sumptuous dishes for her loved ones, and focused on the food to make her forget her worries. Sometimes, alone, she would go to the best restaurant, order some good wine and food, and treat herself like a guest of honor.

She used her personal experience to say: How to appease the person who has been robbed by fate? It is better to take him (her) to have a good meal.


Food can also cure homesickness. Wang Zengqi wrote "Down and Out" about a female classmate who was sick and they went to see her. Someone picked a large handful of jade hairpin flowers from Heituwa (Heituwa is the place where flowers are produced in Kunming, and the price is about the same as that of green vegetables). She put the flowers in a green pottery vase, smiled and said: "If there is another plate of white boiled fish, my illness will be very similar!" She is from Yangzhou. Yangzhou people, like Jia’s mansion, focus on "quenching hunger" when they recover from illness. After the illness, the diet is also very light. When they start to eat meat, they eat salt and pepper and white boiled fish.

In order to satisfy her elegance and relieve her homesickness, the classmates specially went to the small restaurant to discuss with the boss. The female classmate who finally ate it must have smiled sweetly.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Baoyu, after passing the board, the whole family greeted him in front of the bed. Sister Bao specially sent the stick sore medicine, and Mrs. Wang asked him, "What do you want to eat? I’ll bring it to you when I come back." Baoyu smiled and said, "I don’t want to eat anything, but the little lotus leaf and little lotus pod soup I made that time was better." Mother Jia asked people to make it one after another.

Sure enough, there are three thousand pets in one body, and even a child’s coquetry can be immediately satisfied. With the love of so many people, what harm is there, can’t it be cured?


This article was written by Xu Fang, edited by Wu Bin, and the source of the title image: Visual China, Sina Blog, Jiangyin Real Estate Forum, Lower Kitchen, Sentence Fan, Baidu Encyclopedia, Picture Editor: Su Wei

Xingyue L Zhiqing in Handan area is on sale, with the latest offer of 152,700 yuan! There are plenty of cars.

[car home Handan Preferential Promotion Channel] brings you the latest news, and the high-profile models are launching a big preferential activity in Handan area. At present, car buyers can enjoy a cash profit of up to 0.7 million yuan, which makes the minimum starting price of Xingyue L Zhiqing drop to 152,700 yuan, which is very attractive. If you are interested in this smart luxury SUV, seize this preferential opportunity and click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, which will probably win more generous car purchase discounts. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to buy a car, act now!

As a medium and large SUV, Xingyue L Zhiqing’s design is full of strength and exquisiteness. The front part adopts the family design language, with a wide air intake grille with high recognition and unique matrix LED headlights, creating a strong visual impact. The overall style is steady and the streamlined body lines are smooth, which shows the perfect integration of luxury and technology, which not only meets the needs of urban life, but also caters to the pursuit of driving pleasure. No matter the details or the overall shape, Xingyue L Zhiqing has demonstrated its aesthetics and design charm.

With its exquisite proportion and elegant side lines, the car system Xingyue L Zhiqing shows a perfect combination of strength and movement. The body size is 4795mm long, 1895mm wide and 1689mm high, and the wheelbase is 2845mm, which ensures spacious interior space and comfortable riding experience. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1610mm, which gives the vehicle balanced stability. Tyre size chooses 235/50 R19, which not only provides a good grip, but also complements the rim style and adds a sense of movement to the vehicle. On the whole, the side design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is both practical and full of design sense.

The interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing focuses on luxury and technology, and the spacious and comfortable cockpit reflects exquisite craftsmanship. The steering wheel is made of leather, with delicate grip and manual up and down+front and rear adjustment function, which is convenient for the driver to adjust individually. The 12.3-inch central control screen is not only large in size, but also equipped with an advanced voice recognition control system, which supports multi-functional operations such as multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and sunroof, making it easy to operate and improving driving pleasure.

In terms of seats, Xingyue L Zhiqing is made of imitation leather, which makes it comfortable and durable. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), providing excellent support for passengers. The driver’s seat is also equipped with an electric seat memory function to facilitate the storage of daily driving habits. The co-pilot seat also considers comfort, and supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way). At the same time, the front seats also have heating and ventilation functions, further enhancing the ride experience. The second row of seats also supports backrest adjustment, and the seats can be laid down in proportion to provide convenience for luggage space.

Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a maximum torque of 255nm. This engine has an output of 163 horsepower, providing abundant power performance. It is matched with a 3-speed DHT transmission, which makes the vehicle pay attention to fuel economy and driving comfort while ensuring power.

Finally, as the owner of car home said, Xingyue L Zhiqing not only satisfied his pursuit of domineering and fashion, but also became a beautiful landscape in his daily life with its striking front face design and exquisite craftsmanship at the rear. Every time I travel, I can reap the envious eyes of others, which fully embodies its unique charm and high quality.

Xi’an launches 60 methanol taxis, and four experts "update" old drivers

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi'an was unveiled as a whole. On the same day, the first batch of 60 methanol new energy taxis in Xi'an were put into operation. This is another city in our country where methanol vehicles were put into operation after Jinzhong, Baoji, Lanzhou, Shanghai and Guiyang. Image source: Visual China

  On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi’an was unveiled as a whole. On the same day, the first batch of 60 methanol new energy taxis in Xi’an were put into operation. This is another city in our country where methanol vehicles were put into operation after Jinzhong, Baoji, Lanzhou, Shanghai and Guiyang. Image source: Visual China

  CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazhu) On December 20, the first batch of methanol taxis in Xi’an was officially put into operation. Although only 60 vehicles were put into operation, this new fuel vehicle still attracted the attention of the outside world. How much less can methanol fuel emit compared with gasoline? Can it satisfy the veteran taxi drivers in terms of power and economy?

  Since 2012, methanol vehicle pilot work has been carried out in 10 cities in our country, including 4 in Shaanxi. As the leader of the Shaanxi Province Methanol Vehicle Pilot Operation Expert Group, Professor Liu Shengquan of Chang’an University presided over the pilot in Shaanxi. On December 24, Liu Shengquan was interviewed by CCTV reporters on related issues.

  Cleaner PM2.5 emissions by about half

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi'an was unveiled as a whole. Image source: Visual China

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi’an was unveiled as a whole. Image source: Visual China

  Instead of methanol gasoline being added to methanol cars, Xi’an City promoted a clean fuel called methanol M100, with a methanol content of 99.9%. Traditional gasoline was made up of more than 100 different hydrocarbon substances mixed together, and the pollutants produced after combustion were carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, etc., which were the main sources of PM2.5.

  "Methanol M100 also has conventional emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides after combustion, but its emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are reduced by 45% -60% compared to the same amount of gasoline, and nitrogen oxides are reduced by 20% -25%." Liu Shengquan said that because gasoline is a mixture, there are 6-12 carbons in the molecular structure, while methanol M100 has only 1 carbon in the molecular structure, so methanol M100 is much cleaner than traditional gasoline.

  More economical, spend half the money per 100 kilometers

A gas station in Xi'an that can fill methanol M100. At present, there are 7 gas stations in Xi'an that can fill methanol fuel. This number will increase to 45 in the next year. (Wang Jiachu/Photo)

  A gas station in Xi’an that can fill methanol M100. At present, there are 7 gas stations in Xi’an that can fill methanol fuel. This number will increase to 45 in the next year. (Wang Jiachu/Photo)

  On December 23rd, the reporter saw at a gas station in the West Third Ring Road in Xi’an that can be filled with methanol M100. The price of M100 per liter is 1.9 yuan, compared with the current price of gasoline No. 95 in Xi’an, which is 6.63 yuan per liter. Natural gas is 3.2 yuan.

  According to Liu Shengquan, according to the previous pilot situation, a taxi in Xi’an can burn about 10 liters of gasoline for 100 kilometers, 10 cubic meters of natural gas, and 16 liters of methanol M100. "It seems that methanol M100 is more resistant to burning, but in terms of price, it costs 66 yuan to add gasoline, while methanol M100 only costs 32 yuan, which can save at least half the money."

  In addition, according to the relevant support policies issued by Shaanxi Province, for the purchase of methanol, ethanol, hydrogen fuel and other vehicles produced in the province, Shaanxi will also subsidize 10,000 yuan per heavy truck and 5,000 yuan per passenger car, and methanol automobile enterprises will be taxed at a 15% rate.

  More power, 3% -5% higher than gasoline cars.

  After the 60 methanol vehicles were put into the market, doubts about the power and toxicity of methanol M100 appeared on the Internet. In an interview with CCTV reporters, Professor Liu Shengquan gave a detailed introduction to this.

  "In fact, the power of the methanol M100 car is 3-5% higher than that of gasoline, which is why taxi drivers say that the car is lighter and even has a sense of push after driving, while the power of the natural gas car is 20% lower than that of the gasoline car," Liu Shengquan said.

  Regarding toxicity, Liu Shengquan explained that methanol is indeed toxic, but in our country’s classification of liquid toxicity, methanol and gasoline are both moderately toxic. "People’s concerns are reasonable, because methanol has a fragrant smell and gasoline is pungent, so methanol is more likely to be misused than gasoline, but as long as it is not misused, it will not be poisoned."

  In addition, Liu Shengquan said that methanol has the same safety level as gasoline in terms of transportation, storage, and filling, and its ignition point and volatility are not as good as gasoline, making it safer in actual use.

  It’s more convenient, but there are no restrictions on the bus lane.

  This time, only 60 methanol taxis were deployed in Xi’an, accounting for a very small proportion of the tens of thousands of taxis. The reporter failed to reach it for three consecutive days. But after two years, this proportion will be greatly strengthened. According to the support policy issued by Shaanxi Province in July, by the end of 2019, 20,000 methanol taxis will be deployed in the province, of which 10,000 will be in Xi’an.

  Xi’an City also encourages units and institutions to prioritize the procurement of methanol vehicles. On the basis of the 15 stations that have been built and 7 stations in operation, 45 M100 methanol filling stations will be built by 2019. Methanol vehicles are not only not subject to relevant restrictions, but are also allowed to drive in bus lanes and park in public parking lots (spots) for free within 2 hours.

  "Compared to natural gas, methanol M100 is a liquid and does not require a pipeline, so the filling station will be established soon, and the technical difficulty of methanol vehicles is not large. I believe it will be popularized soon." Liu Shengquan revealed that many foreign and domestic automakers have come to Xi’an to hold talks on methanol vehicles.

Who played Lu Xiaofeng?

As a classic work of Mr. Gu Long, the "Lu Xiaofeng" series has been remade many times. The earliest TV adaptation was "The Mystery of Lu Xiaofeng’s Golden Roc" filmed by TVB in 1976, which was adapted from "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng". The play was released in the same year as the original, and even went live on TV.

TVB's 1976 film "Lu Xiaofeng's Mystery of the Golden Roc" was the first "Lu Xiaofeng" series to appear on the screen, with Liu Songren playing Lu Xiaofeng.

In 1986, Wan Ziliang played Lu Xiaofeng, who was more suitable for the original image and was widely popular. His appearance was more handsome than Liu Songren, but not as good as Liu Songren's appearance.

Lin Zhiying's version of Lu Xiaofeng's appearance has the most unacceptable hairstyle.

Sun Yaowei's version of Lu Xiaofeng also had messy hair.

Zhang Jiahui's version of Lu Xiaofeng has become "Long Longjiu, a spy inside."

Zhang Zhilin played Lu Xiaofeng, who laughed that his four eyebrows were modeled after Bai Ruide in "Gone With the Wind".

As Mr. Gu Long’s classic book, the "Lu Xiaofeng" series has been remade many times. The earliest TV adaptation was TVB’s 1976 "The Mystery of Lu Xiaofeng’s Golden Roc", which was adapted from "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng". The play was released in the same year as the original, and even the lines were not changed much. Lu Xiaofeng is played by Liu Songren. Although it seems a little rustic now, it doesn’t mean to be romantic and unrestrained, but this image was popular all over the country back then.

In 1986, TVB began filming "Nine Days of Phoenix Dance", and Wan Ziliang starred as Lu Xiaofeng. He was more handsome than Liu Songren, but not as good as Liu Songren. Although he looked easy to accept, especially for those who had not seen the original novel. He was handsome and suave, affectionate and righteous, free and easy, and was the most charismatic prodigal son in the world. The play made great changes to the original novel, adding many characters that were not in the original novel, such as Chen Xiuzhu’s role as Jingjing. It is said that this role was created for Weng Meiling. Unfortunately, Aweng died early and had to be replaced by Chen Xiuzhu, but Chen Xiuzhu played it very well and won the house.

The big director Chu Yuan also filmed Lu Xiaofeng, namely "The Embroidery Thief" in 1978 and "Before and After the Final Battle" in 1981. Liu Yong starred in Lu Xiaofeng, and this version of the movie is more faithful to the original plot, but Liu Yong’s appearance is indeed a bit helpless. In "The Embroidery Thief", Lu Xiaofeng’s two beards are inexplicably gone. There is also a familiar movie "The Top of the Forbidden City". Too many changes to the plot make the movie almost completely contrary to the original. Zhang Jiahui’s version of Lu Xiaofeng became "Long Longjiu, a spy in the big house," which is difficult for people who love Gu Long to accept.

After 2000, "Lu Xiaofeng" was played by Lin Zhiying, Sun Yaowei, and Zhang Zhilin. Lin Zhiying’s version of Lu Xiaofeng didn’t look like Lu Xiaofeng at all. The upright hair and the clothes that were entangled like a mess were really unacceptable. However, Lin Zhiying worked very hard to shoot, and the reputation of this drama was not bad.

Sun Yaowei’s version of "Lu Xiaofeng" has improved compared to Lin’s version, but the clothes are still a little messy. In 2005, CCTV released the new version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", and Zhang Zhilin starred in Lu Xiaofeng. He laughed and said that his four eyebrows were imitating Bai Ruide in "Gone With the Wind". Before filming, Zhang Zhilin had met Liu Songren. Liu Songren told him that it was like playing 007, and Zhang Zhilin himself concluded: "Affectionate but unmerciful, romantic but not nasty!"

Enter editor, Zhou Zijing

West Lake District, the elderly have an exclusive ordering platform

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Volunteers taught the elderly to operate the takeaway interface.

Steamed buns, scallion oil noodles, sweet and sour tenderloin… Recently, the "Leshifang" Happy Restaurant in Xibian Community on Xixi Street launched the platform, and also launched an exclusive "customized version" for the elderly.

In order to let the elderly learn how to order food, a few days ago, Xixi Street held its first e-meal experience activity for the elderly, and many elderly residents became the first batch of early adopters. Open the "" App, search for "Help the Elderly Edition" to open the exclusive mode for elders, enter the "Happy Hui · Leshifang Community Canteen" to choose your favorite meal and place an order. After half an hour of payment, you can receive the hot meal from the rider.

"Convenient and affordable! I can already use it, and this interface is also very simple to operate." Aunt Yang, who lives in the Xibian community, completed her first takeaway order under the one-on-one guidance of volunteers on the takeaway platform.

Like Aunt Yang, many elderly residents of the Xibian community come to the community cafeteria almost every day to eat, sometimes buying some buns and soy milk for breakfast, and sometimes for a simple lunch at noon. "We can eat the food in the cafeteria with confidence. Now that we have learned to order takeout, we don’t have to come by ourselves on windy and rainy days," Aunt Yang said with a smile.

According to the introduction, the "old version" interface and operation process of have been carefully senior-friendly design, which not only has a larger font size, but also avoids the disturbance of various pop-up messages, effectively reducing the use barriers of the elderly.

It is worth mentioning that Xixi Street, community canteens and platform also plan to issue exclusive online discounts to the elderly, so that the elderly can also enjoy discounts on takeaway orders. Xixi Street will carry out such training in batches and gradually cover the elderly in 12 communities in the jurisdiction.

In fact, the hand-in-hand between takeaway platforms and community canteens has long been practiced. In September 2023,’s takeaway "brother" became the "filial piety community hero" of the community to carry out public welfare food delivery services. In January this year, Xixi Street and joined forces to explore the launch of the country’s first customized logistics solution for elderly buffet delivery, trying to connect with the existing elderly service system, and import orders into the platform’s digital order delivery system every day.

The launch of the takeaway platform not only makes it more convenient for the elderly to eat, but also promotes the long-term operation of the community canteen, "circle fans" young people. "There are few people eating in the community canteen at night, and now the launch of the takeaway platform has also increased the sales." The relevant person in charge of the canteen introduced. Open the takeaway platform and you can see that the canteen has also launched a variety of single set menus, a meat main course plus two random vegetarian dishes and rice, with meat and vegetables to provide young people with new choices.

Next, Xihu District will take Xixi Street as a pilot to promote the "helping the old version" ordering platform in the town streets where the elderly are concentrated, effectively expanding the delivery and coverage of the elderly canteen.

In recent years, Xihu District has gradually improved the community cafeteria network, improved the operation model, improved the quality and coverage of the cafeteria service, and strived to promote the sustainable development of the elderly cafeteria at the door. At present, there are 98 elderly cafeterias (cafeterias) in the region, with full coverage of the village community with food delivery services, and the cafeteria network has been initially completed. In 2023, the number of meals in the elderly cafeterias exceeded 2.70 million, and the number of meals delivered exceeded 50,000.

Wang Jiajia plays a spy for Fan Bingbing’s new film "Fight Injustice" with a shaved head

        Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Liu, Text/Xie Yawei) In September 2009, He Ping’s 6-year-old work "Wheat Field" was released. In this mixed film, the heroine Fan Bingbing undoubtedly became the focus of the whole film. Perhaps no one noticed that there was a maid Yaner who had been following her around next to the mayor’s wife. In [Movie Network]’s recently concluded "Search for the next movie coordinate – the hottest newcomer show in 2009" prize voting activity, a girl named Wang Jiajia ranked second among the 13 candidate artists, she is the role of Yaner, the little-known graduate student of the directing department of Beiying Film, who surprised everyone and became the hottest newcomer in the movie industry in 2009 with high popularity. On March 2, Wang Jiajia accepted an exclusive interview with [Movie Network] after recording the "Light and Shadow Star Podcast" program.

Good student who doesn’t like to talk: I finished talking for a week

        Perhaps it was because she was still studying at school that Wang Jiajia was full of student spirit. The girl in front of her was tall and slender, with white and delicate skin, gray knitted sweater, blue jeans, and a pair of ordinary espadrilles. She came to the recording scene refreshingly. Maybe she is the least star-like artist that "Light and Shadow Star Podcast" has welcomed. Wang Jiajia doesn’t like to talk, and even if she talks to you, she will whisper softly. Such a quiet girl has to record large sections of oral speech, no wonder she will say, "I finished talking for a week today."

        Wang Jiajia graduated from the ballet department of the Beijing Dance Academy and is now a graduate student in the directing department of the Beijing Film Academy. The host industry is naturally unfamiliar to her. At the beginning of the recording, Wang Jiajia was a little nervous and acted very stiff, and the director kept calling her to stop and ask her to do it again. In front of the camera, Wang Jiajia is like a primary school student, listening carefully to the director’s guidance, not speaking, but nodding. At this time, she does not seem to belong to this impulsive entertainment industry, but is just an ordinary girl next door. Wang Jiajia is very smart. After a little guidance from the director, the recording became more and more natural and smooth. However, because she wore contact lenses to read the subtitles for a long time, Wang Jiajia’s vision was blurred later, and the recording was very hard. When the director offered to let her take a break, she insisted on continuing filming, fearing that it would delay everyone’s time.

The original Yang Yingxin variety scene was deleted, absent from Tiffany’s autumn activities, and forwarded the official media news to show good will

There was more and more evidence that Angelababy Yang Ying had been killed. In the new broadcast of her previously recorded variety show "I Heard It’s Delicious", all the shots of Angelababy Yang Ying were cut.

In addition, Tiffany officially announced the guests of the autumn event in November, but Angelababy Yang Ying did not appear as the spokesperson of the series. In addition, the cover of Jiaren, which was previously removed, and the absence of the special season of Running Man, it is obvious that Angelababy Yang Ying has been protected from lightning by hundreds of companies, and all parties are drawing a line with her.

Angelababy Yang Ying knows that her current situation is not important. What’s important is that she can’t let her fans know her current situation. Therefore, recently, her team has frequently contacted big fans to appease fans and release herself to the outside world.

At the same time, Angelababy Yang Ying took the initiative to forward the official media news, tried her best to show her kindness to the mainstream circle, and also wanted to leave her impression that Miao Hong was upright. It didn’t matter if outsiders believed it or not, fans believed it was enough, the purpose was to make fans think that she had reached a settlement with the official and would not be banned.

Obviously, she still wanted to use the power of public opinion to win back a city for herself. In fact, this approach was also very common. Those who had been banned and those who had already squatted in the dark room tried to use this trick, but it was obviously useless.

Angelababy Yang Ying, of course, in addition to appeasing fans, also wanted to test the information of the relevant departments above. After all, watching Crazy Horse shows is a little different from tax evasion and lawlessness. Those artists have been notified by the relevant departments on a white background, and the whole network has exploded, so they are not allowed to have the slightest chance of quibbling, but Angelababy Yang Ying is different, not only has she not been notified, but she can still jump through the Internet, but if she wants to appear in front of the camera in the future, it is probably impossible.

As long as more and more people believed in the news of her retirement, and the relevant departments did not come out to hammer her, then the public opinion could be considered completely controlled. After a period of time, the situation calmed down, and she was suspected that she could still go back to the entertainment to earn money.

In addition to manipulating public opinion, she suspected that she had also found a lot of connections. Seeing that the capital circles in the mainland were not good, she seemed to have started contacting the capital circle of the Hong Kong circle again, wanting to return to her hometown for development. However, the one-third mu of land in the Hong Kong circle obviously could not satisfy her appetite.

In recent years, everyone in the major capital circles could be said to be in danger, especially after one round of review, the situation in the entertainment industry had undergone tremendous changes compared to the previous few years, and there were so many people who survived by docking, so why take over Angelababy Yang Ying, a hot potato? Besides, the value that Angelababy Yang Ying can generate today is far less than that of her peak period.

Therefore, what Angelababy Yang Ying did now was just a death struggle. The reason was very simple.

Have the fans who are still helping Angelababy Yang Ying whitewash her have ever thought that you are the reason why the official must ban her. After all, you brainless fans have proved with practical actions that in order to chase stars, the fan group has already caught up with the basic three views and the bottom line.

Discussion: Do you think Angelababy Yang Ying has been softly banned?

This article is original by Brother Hua’s entertainment. Long press Like to complete the follow and recommendation! Like and follow, eat melons and don’t get lost, click Follow Brother Hua, and take you to understand the gossip and knowledge of the entertainment industry!

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The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to…

  Just last night.

  The first hit drama of 2023, "Hurricane"

  Celebrate the finale at iQIYI

  Cause a heated debate on the whole network

  Quickly top the chart Weibo’s trending topic list

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  See this ending

  Many audience members cried out

  Gao Qiqiang is about to be executed.

  Before death,

  An Xin brought him another box of dumplings.

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  At the end,

  Gao Qiqiang and An Xin, who was full of white hair, were separated by the iron window.

  An Xin said that in the face of Gao Qiqiang’s hypothesis

  "How can there be so many ifs" scenes,

  Let many viewers sigh.

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  The court listed as many as 11 crimes against Gao Qiqiang, including the crime of organizing and leading a mafia organization, intentional homicide, intentional injury, kidnapping, arson, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, illegal business operation, forced trading, organizing prostitution, opening a casino, and offering bribes.

  In this fight against evil, the righteous side also paid a huge sacrifice: Li Xiang, Lu Han, Tan Siyan, etc. also paid the price with their lives.

  For this ending, in the words of the chief director Xu Jizhou, it was "very cruel" and "a miserable victory".

  Zhang Songwen, who plays Gao Qiqiang, also posted on his personal Weibo: "If you choose the wrong one, you will have to pay the price for every step you take." In the message area, he stressed again: "Please cherish every choice in life, abide by the law, and have your own principles and bottom lines."

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  Many netizens cried

  And say: It’s worth it!

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell to "Hurricane": I will never forget this Spring Festival, thank you!

  On the evening of February 1, actor Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell to the TV drama "Hurricane" on Weibo:

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  The full text is as follows:

  Because of "Hurricane", I will never forget this Spring Festival, thank you.

  I have seen everyone’s messages here, and many friends have also talked about all kinds of interesting things about chasing dramas with their families during this Spring Festival holiday. This is the most gratifying thing for me. When I was in primary school, I used to chase two TV dramas with my parents and sister. Today, many years later, every time I see a certain picture of these two dramas, I can still think of the little picture of me and my family chatting happily at that time. It is so clear and so warm. In the future, I will talk about the past and talk about 2023. I hope someone can remember that during the Spring Festival of 2023, there was a TV drama called "Hurricane"… As film and television workers, we will be deeply honored and proud.

  At the end of the play today, I can answer the question that everyone cares about the most: As Gao Qiqiang, which stage of myself do you like the most? If there were ifs in this world, I mean ifs, I really want to go back to the fish stall on Old Factory Street and spend the Spring Festival with my younger siblings that year. After the year, I will leave the color TV that I am going to give to Xiaolong, I will keep it at home, and I will watch the Spring Festival Gala with my younger siblings. After the Spring Festival, I will go to the police. I will tell the police that someone in our market is bullying the market and extorting money in the name of collecting health fees.

  I still can’t forget the first time I read the script of "Hurricane". When I saw the scene where I was beaten by Xiaolong and Xiaohu after being sent to TV, I had mixed feelings in my heart, and I couldn’t sleep at night. Later, I wrote this passage:

  The Chinese New Year is coming soon. A Long just said that on the 29th day of the new year, our market will close at noon and open again on the third day of the new year. These two days, every stall in the market has to help wash the ground at his door. Brother Rong, the pork stall opposite, has a bad waist. I will help him with hygiene. His ground is the slippery. I have fallen several times, but I still don’t want to buy a non-slip pad to spread on the ground. I bought a large bucket of detergent, which should be enough for both of our stalls.

  Ah Sheng and Xiaolan come back very late every winter vacation, saying that it is difficult to buy tickets. They both come back in time for the 30th night of the new year, and tell me that the train ticket for that day is easy to buy. They think I don’t know, in order to lighten my burden, the brother and sister secretly work part-time every winter and summer vacation without my knowledge. In fact, I didn’t tell them that I have saved more than 50,000 yuan over the years, which is enough. How good it is to come back early to rest. When I come back early, I can make more delicious food for them, replenish their health, and the brother and sister can also put more incense sticks on their parents and talk. Although they were very young when their parents left, they always said that they had no impression, but I have: Dad likes to carry Xiaolan to the neighbor’s house to play cards, and my mother will tell Ah Sheng stories every night. If they come back earlier, I would also like to take them to a few familiar guests who often buy my things. My regular customers are very powerful: one is a manager engaged in the development of tourist attractions; the other is a department head engaged in garden design; and the son of a eldest brother is a section chief of the Social Security Bureau. These people are not ordinary people. Maybe they can help them after graduation and help them implement their work.

  Today, I agreed with Pork Rong in advance, leaving me four pig trotters, ten catties of five flowers, and five catties of front tips; Aunt Cui, who sells dough cakes, also gave me a chicken from my hometown today, and the claws should be free-range in the orchard. This year’s menu I think is like this: Fangge pork bone soup, sand and ginger pork knuckles, fried chicken with shiitake mushrooms, pork pork with taro, steamed sea bass, fried dace balls, white boiled Roche shrimp, fried mustard with garlic… Ah Sheng said last month that his head teacher is from the north. On the winter solstice, he invited him and a few classmates to make dumplings at home, saying that the dumplings in the north are very delicious. The dumpling skin is rolled by hand, not pressed out by the machine in our market. After cooking, it is especially elastic. Ah Sheng also said that the New Year’s Eve dinner in the north will also make dumplings, and this time I will show me my skills when I come back. This kid has been able to use his brain since he was a child, and he will read everything once. I am also confident that this year my table will shock him. This year Jinghai is very cold, and after watching the Spring Festival Gala, I want to cook another bowl of dumplings for Xiaolan, who likes peanut and sesame stuffing.

  I prepared two red envelopes, and I also bought a color TV. I want to give it to Brother Ah Long and Brother Ah Hu on the first day of the new year, but do I really want to do this? I am very conflicted…

  Many netizens have left messages under this Weibo

  Expressing reluctance:

  Augety · KUN: The finale is over, I’m so sad to part, looking forward to the teacher’s new drama, you see how cute you are

  Bingtao Fulu: Oh my god, what the teacher wrote is so graphic!! Woohoo, although Gao Qiqiang was poor in 2000, his family was very happy and happy. When I saw Brother Qiang and An Xin eating together in 21 years, I thought that if he had always been faithful, he would have become good friends with Officer An, and would often take him to his house for dinner, but unfortunately not if

  The sparkling water tastes good _: Thank you, thank you, Mr. Songwen, let us see such wonderful works! Ah Qiang, who drew the 00 line, likes it too much, and is too distressed about the curly-haired bear!

  What’s wrong with Paipai: Teacher Songwen, you must act more for us in the future

  Is your Oao _ lonely words to say Push version: Songwen teacher’s future career will be all the way!!

  Mr. Songwen, your acting made the audience stand up!!

  Expired nectarine _: Thank you Mr. Zhang, this Spring Festival is really unforgettable!

  The whole Spring Festival file, the big screen from the box office to word-of-mouth competition, filled with smoke, huge momentum. On the small screen, it is the only big one of "Hurricane". This TV series not only broke the popularity record of being top the chart for several years by "Fatty Son-in-law", Douban score has risen all the way to 9.1, and every day on Weibo’s trending topic list, there are also relevant plots and character discussions of the show.

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  The popularity of "Hurricane" on iQIYI has exceeded 11,000.

  The success of "Hurricane", to a certain extent, can also observe the changes in the direction of industry creation and production. In the era of the hottest capital, it is unimaginable that a TV series without traffic stars and big IP endorsements can become a hit. And such a complex villain as "Gao Qiqiang" has caused huge repercussions, like a return of the audience and the author’s aesthetic. Twenty years ago, the impressive images in criminal investigation themes such as "Black Hole" and "Conquest" have proved the importance of villain characterization for such dramas.

  Without a doubt, "Hurricane" has become the first hit series in 2023, and its return and innovation in the field of production may have a longer-term impact on the industry than the series itself.

The finale of "Hurricane" is finally at ease! Gao Qiqiang is executed! Zhang Songwen sent a long farewell: I most want to go back to...

  The official Weibo @China Chang’an website of the Central Political and Legal Commission commented: Some people say that it is impossible to have a police officer like An Xin in reality, but in fact An Xin is not fictional. Everyone in this team will stand up at a critical moment and go out at a critical juncture. An Xin is just one of them. To protect the people and maintain justice, An Xin is called An Xin because there are thousands of people behind him, so that you and I can rest assured and the times can rest assured.

  Salute to thousands of "An Xin"!

  Comprehensive Youth Shanghai, Xinhua Net, @Zhang Songwen, @China Chang’an Net, etc

Source: Wen Wei Po

Ruan Jingtian, Jinma pretended to be sick and left the table, was accused of playing a big name, choked up and admitted his mistake

Ruan Jingtian, Jinma pretended to be sick and left the table, was accused of playing a big name, choked up and admitted his mistake

Ruan Jingtian, Jinma pretended to be sick and left the table, was accused of playing a big name, choked up and admitted his mistake

Ruan Jingtian, Jinma pretended to be sick and left the table, was accused of playing a big name, choked up and admitted his mistake

According to Taiwanese media reports, this year’s 50th anniversary ceremony of the Golden Horse invited 40 emperors and emperors and two new emperors to leave classic pictures on the same stage, but did not see the 47th and 26th Best Actors Ruan Jingtian (Xiao Tian) and Chen Songyong, both of whom said they were sick and absent. Chen Songyong was drunk but indeed ill, and the young and strong Ruan Jingtian left the table early. Compared with the busy king Andy Lau and the 90-year-old Chang Feng, who stayed until the end, he was criticized as "the most rude best actor". After 2 days, Ruan Jingtian finally broke his silence yesterday: "I made a wrong judgment, and I regret it myself!" He said that he really did not know that everyone would sit on the stage in this situation. At the end, he was choked up and very upset.

The 40 Emperors and Emperors of the Golden Horse Awards were a classic moment that attracted much attention on the night of the broadcast. Not to mention how busy the heavenly kings Andy Lau and Guo Fucheng were, Li Bingbing, who was not the recipient of the award, also changed his second dress. The white-haired Chang Feng, Lu Yan, and Sun Yue, who was sick, all sat down from the beginning to the end. As a junior, Ruan Jingtian took it seriously. Due to the sudden flash, the production unit temporarily removed the chair, and even the broadcast of the Emperors and Emperors VCR cut off the pictures of Ruan Jingtian and Chen Songyong, which affected the fluency.

I don’t know how to sit in rows

The criticism was overwhelming, and Ruan Jingtian was criticized for having a big head again. He was the most rude actor, and netizens sour him that "even soldiers can escape, what is the ceremony"? Yesterday, Ruan Jingtian was still filming Niu Chengze’s movie "Paradise in the Army" in Kinmen. The agent Li Lie revealed that he had "almost collapsed" in the face of work pressure and external criticism. Then Ruan Jingtian personally went to the fire line to interview and restore the situation of the night: "I didn’t sleep all night before, and when the award was awarded at 8 o’clock in the evening, I really didn’t have the strength. I really didn’t mean to, nor did I play big cards. I didn’t know there would be such a picture of everyone sitting on the stage. I thought the work would end there, and I didn’t know that the best film would be awarded. In addition, I had to fly to Kinmen the next morning, so I really couldn’t hold on and left."

Didn’t anyone tell me there was such an important scene? Ruan Jingtian said: "I didn’t know there would be such a scene. At that time, I thought that there would be so many big brothers and big sisters, maybe it wouldn’t be so important without me. On the one hand, it was negligent, and on the other hand, I was very tired, so I really made a bad decision. I’m not here at such a good moment, and I’m still very sorry and sad."

Ruan Jingtian’s statement is difficult to convince the public. Many senior emperors and queens who specially rushed back to Taiwan from abroad to participate in the Golden Horse Awards have long been notified by the conference to sit in rows and jointly award the most grand prize. It is puzzled why he did not know. In this regard, the Golden Horse Executive Committee said: "I am very sure that Ruan Jingtian’s agent was notified in advance. I don’t understand why he did not know and will clarify again."

Li Lie is in poor spirits

That night, Ruan Jingtian left the Golden Horse Awards and went home to sleep. After flying to Kinmen the next day, he found out that things were big, and he was very sad to see that he was scolded. Li Lie said: "If I had known that Xiao Tian’s physical and mental condition was so bad, I would not have let him go back to Taiwan from Kinmen to participate in the Golden Horse Awards." But she also knew that she would still be scolded if she didn’t come back. Li Lie bluntly said that after Ruan Jingtian won the best actor in "Mengka", "Blood Drops" did not meet expectations. After one year in the army and one year out of the army, there was still no work. I was super flustered, so I tried my best to shoot "Military Paradise" to prove that the award was not for nothing. "If this movie fails, it will be difficult for him and Doudao to turn over, so how can we not

Little Sky Decay Possesses 5 Thunder Bombs

★ 2012/01 Enlisted in the army

→ The able-bodied Xiao Tian was questioned why he was serving alternative service; on the day of enlistment, he and his girlfriend Xu Weining drove straight to the camp without inspection and were criticized for exercising their privileges

★ 2012/02 Command Robe

→ After enlisting in the army, he took his first vacation, faced the media, issued orders in the tone of an officer, and surrounded a human wall with his comrades to clear the way for him

★ 2012/12 The acting was criticized

→ Starring in the ancient costume blockbuster "Blood Drops" was criticized for its blunt acting and poor performance

2013/07 New films blocked

→ Starring in Niu Chengze’s movie "Military Paradise", he was forced to stop filming for a time because the director took a photographer on a warship

★ 2013/11 Leaving Golden Horse

→ Participated in the historic Golden Horse 50 Ceremony, but left halfway due to "physical discomfort", missing the historical group photo of the Empress

Peng Yuyan was shortlisted for the Golden Horse with "Guild Wars" and played Huang Feihong to challenge and upgrade

Peng Yuyan and Lin Chaoxian cooperate for the first time and are shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award

     Peng Yuyan won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor for Lin Siqi in the shortlist for the 50th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards recently announced. Peng Yuyan performed the hardest performance since his debut as an MMA contestant. After the film was released, it was well received and recognized by the Golden Horse Awards judges. Peng Yuyan said: "Thank you to the director for pushing me to a certain extent and letting me challenge myself. It was all worth it." Recently, Peng Yuyan shot a film in Shanghai, and played Huang Feihong in the film. The difficulty coefficient was upgraded compared with "Guild Wars". Peng Yuyan said, "When I decided to perform this play, I had to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do my best."

Peng Yuyan performs as an MMA player

Three times shortlisted for the Golden Horse, Peng Yuyan: No pay, no gain

    A few days ago, Peng Yuyan won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the 50th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards for Lin Siqi in "Guild Wars". This is the third time he has been shortlisted for the Golden Horse Awards. Last year, he also served as the image spokesperson of the Golden Horse Film Festival in Fudi Yilan, which can be said to be very close to the Golden Horse. After receiving the nomination, Peng Yuyan was very happy, because he broke through the previous image in "Guild Wars" and interpreted the MMA fighter. In order to be as close to the image of a real boxer as possible, Peng Yuyan experienced "the hardest performance since his debut". In addition to thanking director Lin Chaoxian and the Golden Horse Awards judges, Peng Yuyan also said happily: "All the efforts are worth it. Golden Horse Fifty is very memorable to Chinese movies, and it has a profound meaning to me. "

    Peng Yuyan once said when promoting "Guild Wars" that he was very honored to cooperate with Lin Chaoxian’s director. "I think all the boys he photographed have won awards, and they are all very powerful, and I also hope to be able to participate in them." This time, Peng Yuyan and Lin Chaoxian were shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award for the first time, which made his wish come true. Peng Yuyan admitted that winning the award is an unattainable thing. "I have paid a lot for this play, and I can work with Brother Jiahui. In fact, it is very worthwhile. Of course, it is more happy to win the award."

The difficulty coefficient of playing "Huang Feihong" has been upgraded, and the shaved head realizes the kung fu dream

    Recently, Peng Yuyan’s starring role in "Huang Feihong’s Hero has a Dream" is being filmed in Shanghai, and he plays the kung fu master Huang Feihong in the film. Peng Yuyan said, "In order to make’Huang Feihong ‘, I have to do a lot of things that I have never done in my life. When I decided to perform this drama, I had to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do my best." He revealed that the entire crew is in a very tight state now, and everyone is very nervous every day. "I am equally nervous." In the film, Peng Yuyan has a lot of action scenes, which are more difficult than "Guild Wars". In order to interpret this classic character in Chinese film history, Peng Yuyan worked hard. He said: "What I can do now is to play this role as well as I can. Try to do the moves I should practice and the temperament I should show. I need to think slowly, watch slowly, and work hard to do the rest."

    Peng Yuyan played Huang Feihong in the role of Huang Feihong, and then shaved his bald head. Last time, he played a returnee. Although he was from the Qing Dynasty, he was very foreign in style, and he failed to shoot real fighting scenes, leaving a lot of regrets. This time, Peng Yuyan played Huang Feihong, a grandmaster of Hong Quan in the late Qing Dynasty, in the new film, and had an addiction to clean-up fighting scenes. He said that it was a childhood dream to shoot action scenes. "Boys, very stylish people want to try it. Now I feel very excited to see my dream come true step by step."

    It is reported that Peng Yuyan will take leave with the crew and return to Taiwan on November 23 to participate in the annual Golden Horse event.