What are the highlights of Xiaomi SU7 passive safety design? Lei Jun: A New Generation of Road Tanks

  [Pacific Auto] At the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference, Xiaomi SU7 made its debut. In addition to the visible exterior interior, Lei Jun also revealed many details of passive safety design of SU7 at the conference. It adopted an armored cage steel-aluminum hybrid body with a torsional stiffness as high as 51,000 N m/deg, which was made a "new generation highway" by Lei Jun. Let’s take a look at the technical characteristics of passive safety of SU7.

  First of all, in terms of passive safety standards, Xiaomi SU7 is working towards the five safety standards of the latest regulations of the crash test center, such as the 2023 version of Five Stars and the 2024 version of Five Stars.

  So what are the technical highlights of SU7 in order to achieve these high standards of safety testing? Let’s take a look at the materials for the body structure first. SU7 adopts the armored cage steel-aluminum hybrid body, and uses ultra-high strength steel up to 2000MPa in key parts such as, B-pillar and floor beam, and the proportion of high strength steel and aluminum alloy reaches 90.1%. This is the guarantee that the passenger compartment space will not be invaded in the collision.

  The application of materials is on the one hand, and the design of structure is equally important. There are several major features on SU7, such as composite super-high strength front longitudinal beam, integrated die-cast aluminum triangular beam, super-strong steel beam-aluminum threshold beam and large die-cast integrated rear floor.

  It is worth mentioning that the design of super-strong steel beam and aluminum sill beam can make the whole vehicle have a lateral impact force of 820kN, which makes the body more calm in the face of severe collision conditions. With the technology of battery CTB, the torsional stiffness of Xiaomi SU7 can reach an astonishing 51 000 N m/deg. What is the concept? The torsional stiffness of the vehicle is 50000 n m/deg.

On the other hand, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with seven airbags, the biggest feature of which is that it is equipped with a remote airbag in the middle, that is, the role of preventing occupants from colliding with each other in a side collision is more common in European models, but not many in domestic models. But like, the rear seat side airbag is not seen, is it safe enough to be unnecessary?

  It was also mentioned at the press conference that Xiaomi SU7 has more than 40 passive safety collision tests, covering all collision standards of C-NCAP and C-IASI. Moreover, in the common frontal collision and side collision, the speed is higher, even in the tail collision test, the speed reaches 90km/h, which is higher than the most stringent American FMVSS standard. We will wait and see what the actual passive security is.