Xi’an launches 60 methanol taxis, and four experts "update" old drivers

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi'an was unveiled as a whole. On the same day, the first batch of 60 methanol new energy taxis in Xi'an were put into operation. This is another city in our country where methanol vehicles were put into operation after Jinzhong, Baoji, Lanzhou, Shanghai and Guiyang. Image source: Visual China

  On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi’an was unveiled as a whole. On the same day, the first batch of 60 methanol new energy taxis in Xi’an were put into operation. This is another city in our country where methanol vehicles were put into operation after Jinzhong, Baoji, Lanzhou, Shanghai and Guiyang. Image source: Visual China

  CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazhu) On December 20, the first batch of methanol taxis in Xi’an was officially put into operation. Although only 60 vehicles were put into operation, this new fuel vehicle still attracted the attention of the outside world. How much less can methanol fuel emit compared with gasoline? Can it satisfy the veteran taxi drivers in terms of power and economy?

  Since 2012, methanol vehicle pilot work has been carried out in 10 cities in our country, including 4 in Shaanxi. As the leader of the Shaanxi Province Methanol Vehicle Pilot Operation Expert Group, Professor Liu Shengquan of Chang’an University presided over the pilot in Shaanxi. On December 24, Liu Shengquan was interviewed by CCTV reporters on related issues.

  Cleaner PM2.5 emissions by about half

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi'an was unveiled as a whole. Image source: Visual China

On December 20, the first batch of 60 methanol taxis in Xi’an was unveiled as a whole. Image source: Visual China

  Instead of methanol gasoline being added to methanol cars, Xi’an City promoted a clean fuel called methanol M100, with a methanol content of 99.9%. Traditional gasoline was made up of more than 100 different hydrocarbon substances mixed together, and the pollutants produced after combustion were carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, etc., which were the main sources of PM2.5.

  "Methanol M100 also has conventional emissions such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides after combustion, but its emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are reduced by 45% -60% compared to the same amount of gasoline, and nitrogen oxides are reduced by 20% -25%." Liu Shengquan said that because gasoline is a mixture, there are 6-12 carbons in the molecular structure, while methanol M100 has only 1 carbon in the molecular structure, so methanol M100 is much cleaner than traditional gasoline.

  More economical, spend half the money per 100 kilometers

A gas station in Xi'an that can fill methanol M100. At present, there are 7 gas stations in Xi'an that can fill methanol fuel. This number will increase to 45 in the next year. (Wang Jiachu/Photo)

  A gas station in Xi’an that can fill methanol M100. At present, there are 7 gas stations in Xi’an that can fill methanol fuel. This number will increase to 45 in the next year. (Wang Jiachu/Photo)

  On December 23rd, the reporter saw at a gas station in the West Third Ring Road in Xi’an that can be filled with methanol M100. The price of M100 per liter is 1.9 yuan, compared with the current price of gasoline No. 95 in Xi’an, which is 6.63 yuan per liter. Natural gas is 3.2 yuan.

  According to Liu Shengquan, according to the previous pilot situation, a taxi in Xi’an can burn about 10 liters of gasoline for 100 kilometers, 10 cubic meters of natural gas, and 16 liters of methanol M100. "It seems that methanol M100 is more resistant to burning, but in terms of price, it costs 66 yuan to add gasoline, while methanol M100 only costs 32 yuan, which can save at least half the money."

  In addition, according to the relevant support policies issued by Shaanxi Province, for the purchase of methanol, ethanol, hydrogen fuel and other vehicles produced in the province, Shaanxi will also subsidize 10,000 yuan per heavy truck and 5,000 yuan per passenger car, and methanol automobile enterprises will be taxed at a 15% rate.

  More power, 3% -5% higher than gasoline cars.

  After the 60 methanol vehicles were put into the market, doubts about the power and toxicity of methanol M100 appeared on the Internet. In an interview with CCTV reporters, Professor Liu Shengquan gave a detailed introduction to this.

  "In fact, the power of the methanol M100 car is 3-5% higher than that of gasoline, which is why taxi drivers say that the car is lighter and even has a sense of push after driving, while the power of the natural gas car is 20% lower than that of the gasoline car," Liu Shengquan said.

  Regarding toxicity, Liu Shengquan explained that methanol is indeed toxic, but in our country’s classification of liquid toxicity, methanol and gasoline are both moderately toxic. "People’s concerns are reasonable, because methanol has a fragrant smell and gasoline is pungent, so methanol is more likely to be misused than gasoline, but as long as it is not misused, it will not be poisoned."

  In addition, Liu Shengquan said that methanol has the same safety level as gasoline in terms of transportation, storage, and filling, and its ignition point and volatility are not as good as gasoline, making it safer in actual use.

  It’s more convenient, but there are no restrictions on the bus lane.

  This time, only 60 methanol taxis were deployed in Xi’an, accounting for a very small proportion of the tens of thousands of taxis. The reporter failed to reach it for three consecutive days. But after two years, this proportion will be greatly strengthened. According to the support policy issued by Shaanxi Province in July, by the end of 2019, 20,000 methanol taxis will be deployed in the province, of which 10,000 will be in Xi’an.

  Xi’an City also encourages units and institutions to prioritize the procurement of methanol vehicles. On the basis of the 15 stations that have been built and 7 stations in operation, 45 M100 methanol filling stations will be built by 2019. Methanol vehicles are not only not subject to relevant restrictions, but are also allowed to drive in bus lanes and park in public parking lots (spots) for free within 2 hours.

  "Compared to natural gas, methanol M100 is a liquid and does not require a pipeline, so the filling station will be established soon, and the technical difficulty of methanol vehicles is not large. I believe it will be popularized soon." Liu Shengquan revealed that many foreign and domestic automakers have come to Xi’an to hold talks on methanol vehicles.