Fan Bingbing’s "self-disfiguring" is like a twist, tempted by "Xiaokai" Wang Baoqiang

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 Fan Bingbing, Li Xiaoran thriller makeup scared Liu Yunlong

 Fan Bingbing: Li Xiaoran is gentle and buddy, Yao Chen is not strange and cute

        Movie Network News(Photo/Cui Hao, Text/Xie Yawei) "Baoqiang is very tempting to tempt me by pretending to be a small open." On April 13, when Wang Baoqiang talked about his "small open" image at the media conference of the spy film "Dongfeng Rain" held in Beijing, Fan Bingbing blurted out that he had been tempted. As for his own image, Fan Bingbing was very cruel and "destroyed" his face into a twist, which made Liu Yunlong a little unable to bear it. For his directorial debut, Liu Yunlong claims to have no comparison with the film "The Voice of the Wind" on the same theme, and hopes to surpass the other party. In addition, creators such as Li Xiaoran, Zeng Jiang, Pu Bajia, and Yano Koji also shared many behind-the-scenes stories with the media. The film will be released nationwide on April 21.

Fan Bingbing

Zeng Jiang has no scruples about talking about his tertiary film history

Fan Bingbing "self-destruct face" to twist shape, Zeng Jiang self-exposed tertiary film history

        Fan Bingbing’s disfigurement scene in the film has always been the focus of media attention. When it comes to this scene again, Fan Bingbing regrets that it was not destroyed enough. "I originally wanted the director to destroy it more severely, but the director was afraid that the audience and my friends would not be able to accept it, so the final effect was not very ugly." Although the disfigurement was designed by the screenwriter Liu Yunlong, he insisted that Fan Bingbing destroyed his appearance by himself, "Because I am the director, there are too many things to do at the scene. At that time, someone told me that Bingbing had done a good job of modeling, and I was shocked when I pushed the door and entered. Her whole face is twisted, like a twist, and there are blood stains. I didn’t expect her to do this to herself. Hurry up and let her change it. If the audience sees this face, they will have nightmares at night. "

        In order to create a character, Fan Bingbing is willing to pretend to be ugly, while the old Hong Kong actor Zeng Jiang is bold to "sacrifice his hue" for the role. In the film, there is a confrontation between Zeng Jiang and Liu Yunlong in a public bathhouse. When someone asks if Zeng Jiang uses naked replacements, he says calmly, "I have a good naked body, and I don’t need a substitute, and this is not the first time I have’dedicated myself ‘. When I was young, I made a third-class film." Such bold words can only be said without hesitation by an "old Jianghu" like him.

Wang Baoqiang tries the image of "small open" for the first time

Wang Baoqiang pretended to be "Brother Pony" to tempt Fan Bingbing to laugh at himself for being too little

        In the TV series "The Conspiracy" a few years ago, Liu Yunlong worked with Wang Baoqiang. However, this time, Wang Baoqiang in "Dongfeng Rain" has been completely "reborn", from a simple and honest silly boy to a "small open" in Greater Shanghai. Liu Yunlong said that this is all because of his "discerning eyes". "In" The Conspiracy ", Baoqiang is a big fool, and in" Dongfeng Rain ", he is’Little Brother Ma ‘. At the beginning, many creators had doubts, but I insisted on reshaping him. As a result, his shape really made everyone’s eyes shine."

        For his first time playing the role of "Little Brother Ma" temperament, Wang Baoqiang still feels that "the aftertaste is endless", "This image is quite tempting to me, but it is not very enjoyable, there is no line, and he died after coming out for more than ten seconds." At this time, Fan Bingbing next to him immediately snatched the words, "It is very tempting to me. Baoqiang is very cute after wearing a suit, and the performance is also very brilliant." Wang Baoqiang’s new look can be recognized by the beautiful woman Fan Bingbing is not easy, but the "thrashing" time that makes Wang Baoqiang angry is too short, all because of Fan Bingbing, "I shot once in this spy movie, and Wang Baoqiang was killed by me."

Liu Yunlong embraces Fan Bingbing and Li Xiaoran

Liu Yunlong is unwilling to compare with "The Wind" Fan Bingbing praised it as "the first person in spy warfare"

        Although Liu Yunlong’s directorial debut "East Wind Rain" received almost all bad reviews after the media premiere, Fan Bingbing was very complimentary of Liu Yunlong, "I think China’s espionage-themed films and television dramas originated because of Liu Yunlong. He is the vanguard of espionage dramas. It can be said that without Liu Yunlong, there would be no Chinese espionage dramas. This time he brought the espionage theme to the big screen, and the whole film also has his own style."

        Both are espionage-themed films, which make people think of "The Wind", which achieved a win-win at the box office last year. However, Liu Yunlong is reluctant to compare his directorial debut with "The Wind". "First of all, these two films are not released at the same time, and there is no comparison in time. Secondly, the two stories are of different ages, and the tasks performed by the espionage personnel are also different. I haven’t seen" The Wind ", but I hope" Dongfeng Rain "can surpass" The Wind ". He said that no one is a prophet, and he doesn’t know what will happen tomorrow. Since he has done it, he will hope for a good result, and he can’t stop doing it because he is afraid of comparison. It seems that although many media reporters are not very satisfied with" Dongfeng Rain ", Liu Yunlong is still very confident in his work.

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