Interview with Guo Jingming: I will finish filming "Small Times" Yang Mi once wanted to quit

Guo Jingming
    1905 movie network news On June 25, the "2014 China Film New Power Promotion Ceremony" hosted by the Film Channel was held in Beijing. The young director Guo Jingming was invited to attend with his debut novel and excellent results (hereinafter referred to as "Tiny Times 2"), and accepted an exclusive interview with the 1905 Film Network.
Yang Mi was caught in the rain during pregnancy and considered resigning before entering the group
    On July 17, the latest installment of the series (hereinafter referred to as "Tiny Times 3") will be released in theaters. For director Guo Jingming, the filming of the third episode was full of challenges. In addition to the comprehensive upgrade of the plot, it became more complicated and difficult to control, and the news of the star Yang Mi’s sudden pregnancy before filming also made him fall into great contradictions. Guo Jingming admitted that Yang Mi did express to him that his physical condition may not be suitable for the shooting of "Tiny Times 3", but through changes to the script and shooting format, the "Times Sisters Flower" quartet was finally able to return to the original cast.
    1905 Movie Network: Compared with the previous two episodes, what are the specific complexities of the plot and character settings in Tiny Times 3?
    Guo Jingming: The setting, shooting method and camera language of "Tiny Times 3" will be different from the first and second installments, and some plot settings in the script are not available before. It may not be a common urban youth romance, but there will be some elements of action movies and suspense movies, and you can see a very diverse work. In addition, there are laughter and tears in this episode. The drama conflict has been paved the way for the first two installments, and it will be emotionally advanced. Coupled with our hardware, including shooting in Rome, props, costumes, etc., it has been greatly upgraded from "Tiny Times" and "Tiny Times 2". The audience will see our sincerity and what we want to convey.
    1905 Movie Network: At that time, everyone thought that Yang Mi would resign because of her pregnancy. Did she mention it to you?
    Guo Jingming: Yes, we had already set up a team and were ready to start filming. We received a call from Xiao Mi (Yang Mi), saying, "Director, I have such a situation (pregnancy)," so we were both very worried at the time, and we have been discussing how to solve this problem. Because on the one hand, I really don’t want to replace Lin Xiao, I think all four girls are indispensable, and on the other hand, I am really afraid that the work will affect such an important thing for her. But later, the two of us reached an agreement and decided to face it together. Whether it is the shooting method or the script, we try our best to take into account a state of balance between the two. So the two of us really discussed for a long time, and finally decided to continue working, before announcing such a candidate to the outside world.
    1905 Movie Network: Yang Mi still has a scene of running in high heels. Did you take special care of her when filming?
    Guo Jingming: In fact, it’s not just this, but also the cold shooting in winter and the rainy scenes. In fact, Xiao Mi has really overcome a lot. Of course, the really dangerous parts, such as hanging Weiya, will still find a substitute to help her, but most of them she will try to complete by herself. Xiao Mi is really dedicated, and she also has a deep affection for "Small Times", and she hopes to complete this series well.
I’ll finish the Tiny Times series, prefer behind-the-scenes work to acting
    Now that "Tiny Times" is filmed, Guo Jingming has heard too many criticisms and doubts, and has gained enough love and affirmation. In the future, he hopes to complete the filming of the "Tiny Times" series. And his other novel masterpiece "Fantasy City" has also been included in his next work plan. However, Guo Jingming admitted that although he loves movies very much, he is not very good at acting, so he will continue to work behind the scenes in the future.
    1905 Movie Network: How do you feel about being selected as a new power by the movie channel? How do you interpret the term new power?
    Guo Jingming: I am very happy to be able to participate in such an event with so many young directors this time. As a newcomer, I am very honored to have the opportunity to enter the film industry. I am very passionate about movies, so I am willing to devote my time and energy to it to bring more good works to the audience. As a newcomer, I still have a lot to learn, and I need to improve and overcome many difficulties and my own shortcomings, but I believe that with so many talented young people and so much young power, I will definitely make Chinese movies better and better.
    1905 Movie Network: The first two installments of "Tiny Times" were also criticized by many experts for their values. Will any changes be made to the third installment as a result?
    Guo Jingming: I think the most important thing is what you want to express when you make a play. In fact, when I made the first film, there were a lot of criticisms and a lot of likes. You can’t completely give up other people’s likes just because of some criticisms, because there are still a lot of people who like it, otherwise it won’t have so many box office. If you completely give up your own style or completely change the whole "Tiny Times", maybe you win over one group of people and lose another group of people, which is a very contradictory thing. So the most important thing is the director’s own expression and the communication and connection with the audience. I think the most important thing about "Tiny Times" is the emotion, their friendship, their youth, their passion and the feeling of being closely united. This is what I want to express. As for the so-called material things, those are just appearances, those are not the core of "Tiny Times". So the most important thing is that you have to be clear about what you want to express.
1905 Movie Network:. Did this series meet your expectations now?
    Guo Jingming: In fact, when I made the first film, the audience had already given me enough encouragement, otherwise I would not have made it to this day. Thank you to everyone who likes "Tiny Times". Without you, there would be no Guo Jingming today. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to continue making movies, and I hope to give you better things.
    1905 Movie Network: Will we continue to film "Tiny Times" 4, 5, and 6?
    Guo Jingming: I will definitely finish the series "Tiny Times", and I will definitely give it a good conclusion.
    1905 Movie Network: The "Tiny Times" series was very successful at the box office. What do you think is the reason?
    Guo Jingming: First of all, you have to be true to yourself, have a good expression, and shoot what you like. Second, you have to get close to your audience. You can’t stand on the commanding heights and seem to look down on them. In fact, the audience is very smart, and they also have their own aesthetics. You have to be close to them and have emotional resonance with them, because they are the people who really pay for you to go to the cinema. Just like the theme of our event today, "The movie is with the audience". Wherever the audience is, the movie is there. This is a very crucial thing.
    1905 Movie Network: Would you consider playing a role in your own movie?
    Guo Jingming: I think I’m still not suitable. Because first, I can’t act, and second, I still prefer to do creative work, doing behind-the-scenes work.
    1905 Movie Network: You said before that "Fantasy City" seems to have started preparations. Will it be released within the year?
    Guo Jingming: I can’t talk about it yet, but "Fantasy City" is already on the list I plan to shoot, but I haven’t decided whether to shoot "Fantasy City" first or something else first.